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Spiritual Experiences in Category: OBE / NDE / Afterlife: Page 2
Something Is Protecting Me by Lunar_fox
When I think back to all the things that have happened to me in my life, all the things that should have killed me or at the very least hurt me, I think of all the times I've walked away without a scratch. The one thing that happened to me was my car accident back in December 09. It was a Fr...
I Want To Tell You About Someone I Met When I Died by DavidJones
Anyone can see what is physically there in front of them. One of the reasons, or basis of achievement of our life is to be able to understand, to formulate, and to hold to a personal belief system that will sustain us in good times and bad. This personal belief system will define who you are as an i...
Intense Pressure On Third Eye Area While Lucid Dreaming by ajony
Sorry for my limited English. Usually during naps and going back to sleep after waking up I become lucid where I am aware that I am dreaming. I trained myself not to wake up quickly while I am lucid by focusing my thought and eyes on one point in the visual field. While I focus on one point on vi...
Jesus In The Clouds by Hecata
One night as I was dreaming I became aware I was dreaming and then I was out of my body and standing in a crowd of people looking up into the clouds as if they were waiting for something. I looked up and suddenly Jesus appeared, but it wasn't really Jesus but the Antichrist appearing to be Jesus. I ...
God And Satan by Hecata
I was a young girl about 16 when one night I laid down to go to sleep. It was as if I had just closed my eyes when I was whisked from my body and standing in a place that looked like a battle field. I looked around and suddenly to my left come what I interpreted as Satan, and looking nothing like...
Felt Like Floating by deannah
I recently became aware that I am an Empath, and I've also had experiences with the paranormal. But this is something totally different and I've always wanted to know if anyone could explain to me what I experienced. I was 15 years old, and home alone at the time. I had been sleeping very well an...
I Met My Spirit Guide During Astral Travel by kaleidoscope
First of all I would like to start off by saying how thrilled I am that I came across this site because, and I know I speak for everyone who is using this site at present, it helps us realize that we aren't going insane. People are actually having the same experiences as me and that is wonderful. ...
My Dream Guide by Tearen
About three months ago, I was visiting my college of choice with my parents during a weekend long trip. On the one night we spent in the town, I was having tumultuous dreams that I couldn't escape from (I'm usually a pretty lucid dreamer). The nightmare started to reach its violent crescendo when ev...
Teachers In My Dreams by velvet-wings
Anyone ever drifted off to sleep, and in the state between actually falling asleep and being asleep, pictures, voices and what seems to be film scenes begin to "pop-up" in your minds eye? Or have dreams of galactic reference, like the sun bursting into tiny fragments, multiple horizontally aligned m...
A Race With Death by hanbobs
When my bother-in-law was 16 he became quite poorly and was rushed into hospital where tests were shown that he had Meningitis. He was poorly for quite some time. Within minutes of turning up in Casualty he became worse as the doctors tried to find out what was wrong. My other brother-in-law and the...
What A Dog Taught Me by blairv
I had rented a small 2nd floor apartment from a lady who lived below with her teen daughter and a quite older Boston Terrier dog. I used to visit often, and became friends with the dog. It had several traits: such as playing with a small rubber ball by shooting out of its mouth against the wall, the...
Sleep Walking And Out Of Body Experience by linda s. lassley
I am 56 years old, a female, Mother of two children... When I was a child, the middle child, I was different, saw the world a different way, this did not make it easy for me, stigma of "crazy" "weird" ahead of her time comes to mind. I was a nervous child and as I recall, my parents were always taki...
Genetics And Astral Projection by Firestone
I just recently had a concussion and am wondering if the Outer Body Experiences I had has to do with anything with my accident. I have had them before but not as much as I do know. They started when I was 11 years old (I am 13 now). I was in Walgreen's with my mother. She was talking with someone at...
Lucid Dreaming And Out Of Body Experience? by LaLaLand79
First off, when I had these experiences I had no idea what lucid dreaming or an out of body experience was. It all started this year, I had started to have dreams where I knew I was dreaming. I was actually conscious of the fact that I was dreaming. I thought I would wake up after finding out that I...
Full Body Vibrations by Shawn Tester
I would like to share my story of the day I discovered astral projection. When I was 23 years I moved from Michigan to Minnesota to live with my older brother. He had just gone through a messy divorce and needed help financially and emotionally. I did not grow up with my older brother due to the div...
My Guardian 2 by Baneofthewolf
I am going to submit this on all three experience sites. I felt the fire. I let it burn. I lost what I held dearly, only to regain it. It was a day at school when I started vomiting. It was gross and disgusting and all vomity. I went home and I was running a fever of 103 Fahrenheit. My mom to...
The Abyss by Skylark
When I was in my late 20's I was married to a good man but I was not good. I got bored and I had several affairs. At one point I was having an affair with a man I worked with and I liked him a lot and thought I wanted to be with him permanently instead of my husband. I tried to justify what I was do...
Spiritual Fire That Doesn't Burn by LovesxWarrior
A few short months ago I found myself unusually tired and decided to hit the sack early. After falling asleep I became aware that I was dreaming. I had a feeling that I had had the dream before, all I can remember of the dream was me running down a spiraled set of stairs in dim lighting. Most of the...
Out Of The Body Experience by Sandy
I am a born again christian and today I had an out of the body experience. I never had one before. As I was kneeled down praying at the altar in my church, I was experiencing great peace and contentment. As I was praying, I hear my teacher getting ready to start bible classes and I thought that ...
The Spirit In Flight by conan
When I was about seventeen years of age, I had a remarkable experience. My spirit left my body and I flew across a city (Sydney-Australia). I knew it was Sydney, because I recognized some of the buildings. I made my way to a theme park that I had visited as a child. I landed within this particular p...
Concious Sleep by Earl Wienke
I am a 50 year old christian man. I was raised as a baptist, and am now non-denominational/evangelical. I have a general IQ of about 127. I am very literate, and scientific. I believe in creation. My 1st memories begin at about age 4-1/2 yrs. My 1st remembered conscious sleep, was at age 5. My 1s...
I Ask For A Miracle And I Got One by brian0401
I've been a practitioner of many different forms of meditation and I have to say that I've seen a few things that I only share with very close friends. I've had visions and am familiar with what I would call extreme lucid dreams. In many of the lucid dreams I'm lead to what I can only call a port...
Alzheimer And Medium Experiences by angelina
I have been working within the caring sector for over 25 years, for the last 8 years I have also been a practicing spiritualist and medium. Over the years I have noticed that people suffering from the early stages of Dementia/Alzheimer often report seeing family members/friends etc, who have long si...
Answers And Meaning by GinaSciarrino
I recently wrote about my Spiritual Journey and Angels Among Us. This one is Answers and Meaning. Just after I wrote Spiritual Journey, I was telling someone about it and the next day, before the story was posted, I met a man who admitted he also sees faces. He sent me the picture that I sent with m...
Two Astral Projection Experiences by antoinette
I have had two astral projection experiences. Once when I was 16 years old, and another one last week. The first time it happened, I was laughing with a group of friends. Suddenly everything in the room became very glassy and shiny. I felt like I was in another dimension. Soon I could not see out of...
Heavenly Light That Shone In The Night by jadore
I began to realize how much I loved Jesus when aged about 7 years old. I wasn't raised in a Christian household. I have experienced many wonderful experiences on my journey of learning about God and how much he loves me. One night has such a beautiful and special memory for me and I am aware that wh...
Conversion by ked
My conversion experience happened in 1981. I was 25 years old at the time and I am now 52 and thought it is time to finally write it down. I had a miscarriage and was very depressed about the experience at the time. I had to have a D&C, which is a common procedure after having a miscarriage. During ...
Spiritual Experience In Dream by Thomas Fleetwood
In a dream that was at the time perceived as waking life, I was in a music studio on a plane, hovering a few hundred feet above the ground, in a sudden change of experience, the plane began to free fall and spiral down towards the earth. I caught a glimpse out of the window of the ground drawing nea...
A Voice Said "My Beloved Son" by Leo_Dreamer_08
Now mind you, I never induced these experiences (my church would disagree) but I felt "pulled" into the astral world and I would call on God to pull me back out because of my fear. Now that I know what it is, I can't wait to let go and travel! One of the experiences that I remember well was sudden b...
What Is my Gift? by Selma
Hi, I just want to state that I have had quite a few spiritual experiences happen to me... All true! I will start with when I was a teenager I was awakened by a voice calling my name, I awoke thinking it was my mother calling, when I opened my eyes I saw a glowing flowing image in the corner of my r...
Jesus Held Me in His Arms by Flutterofwings
In July 1988 I had a monthly period in which the uterus would not close up and I hemorrhage. I went to the hospital and was admitted. At that time I did not have a regular doctor and so one was assigned to me. He did nothing to stop the bleeding. I laid in bed for a day and a half until my sister ca...
What Comes After Life by Alan
Dec 24th, 2007, 1:42pm. One early morning while all was still dark I awoke in that state between sleep and wake and the boundaries between my physical self and everything physical around me began to dissolve. Quietness like a soft warm comforting peaceful blanket descended on my sleeping body and mi...
I Saw God by Sarah
Recently I was very sick, well actually I almost died because I had a very bad fever and chest infection. I was christened as a catholic, I believed, yes, but I wasn't a practicing catholic so no I never really went to church. Last week I was in bed feeling so sick, and it just got worse as my he...
Revelation by Shannon Barclay
It was two years ago. A still, and snowy, night. This is my exact encounter of my routine, nightly prayer. Dear Heavenly Father: As I lay here before you. I yet again, ask, that you please forgive, my seemingly endless sins. Overwhelmed, as I experience, the sight, sounds, and feelings. As Je...
My Out of Body Experience and Possible Encounter with God by Nick Rossi
For over 9 years I have been, and still am totally perplexed by the unexplained psychic / spiritual experience that I had on the evening of February 25, 1998 at a small church in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania. Let me first say that everything that I am about to tell you is in no way false, or an exaggerat...
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