About 20 years ago I went into a very deep meditation. I had just hurt my hip pretty bad at work, so I was trying to do a healing meditation. Soon after deeply relaxing I realized I was moving upward in some kind of tunnel. I could feel an entity next to me, it made me feel safe. I never turned to look at it, I just watched to walls of this tunnel. They looked the way a stream looks as it travels downhill, frozen nearly solid, in the wintertime. White waves of frozen water, yet it was fluid. Don't understand what I saw, but that is what it looked like.
Quickly we were at the top where a white white illumination was. Suddenly it seemed like we were standing on a cloud in the sky. In the distance was a rectangular building. Instantly we were at its double doors. Then we were standing inside the building, really in a blink of an eye these things happened. Once inside I could see hundreds of short black hooded beings/entities, standing in line bordering the walls, holding hands, two by two. Instantly, we were at the opposite caddy corner side of the building where two more double doors opened. Again I saw these beings, two by two, in a line, meandering across the sky for as long as I could see. Through telepathy the being next to me said they were all here watching over ME! Then he continued to take me on the journey he had planned for me. When I returned to my body I couldn't understand how they could ALL be there watching over me. After some time I realized they couldn't be there just watching over me, they had to be there watching over all humans...
About four years ago I saw another one of these hooded beings. Up until this time I would have told you I have never seen a ghost, now I'm not so sure. I came home at night, it was a very dark night. As I approached my fence to open it I noticed someone in a black hoodie approaching from the inside of the fence. I thought it was my son wearing his black hoodie so I yelled his name. Next that black hooded being went right through the fence and down the side of my car and disappeared.
Three days later my husband suddenly passed away. I was in denial for quite some time after his death. Just couldn't believe he was gone, so young, and so suddenly. The one thing that comforted me was seeing that black hooded being. I am sure it came to set things in motion for him to die. I don't know why he came and got him, but he did. So it must have been his time and his way. I also believe they have been watching over me (us) my whole life. I do not affiliate with any one particular religion, yet I have always been spiritual.
Never understood this meditation session fully, yet I am so happy to finally find others who have had similar experiences and look forward to reading about them.
Honestly I thought I was seeing things but my body let me know. My hairs stood up and my heart jumped oht of my mouth. I ran away and I returned it was gone. I can't seem to get much verbatim on this. Still reading into shadow beings but I spent most of my time calling this thing voldermort so would love to get an idea of what it was.