I am 56 years old, a female, Mother of two children... When I was a child, the middle child, I was different, saw the world a different way, this did not make it easy for me, stigma of "crazy" "weird" ahead of her time comes to mind. I was a nervous child and as I recall, my parents were always taking me to a doctor to look for a medical cause for the way I was. They have been dead for 25 years now, so I cannot ask questions, the kind of questions one never thinks to ask when they are young.
In my 30's I discovered I was a sleepwalker, not because I remembered but because my Daughter witnessed this. One time I was asleep on the sofa and a phone call came in for me, my daughter who was ironing woke me up to tell me... I got up picked up the very hot iron and held it against my face as one would hold a phone in the day and started talking gibberish as my daughter later told me.
The iron had burned my face and the imprint could clearly be seen on my face. I did not wake up, although I looked awake to my daughter. She led me back to the sofa where I petted her head as if she were a pet and told her she was a good dog. The next morning when I really did wake up, I was horrified to see the imprint burned into my face and my poor daughter telling me how I was speaking in some crazy language. I called my doctor, who in turn called another doctor... And to get to the point no one seems to know much about sleepwalking. I had no scar from that burn and believe me there were other times, walking over shards of glass barefoot, not a cut on my body! The last doctor wanted me to enter a program at Colombia University in New York City for past life regression... I declined.
I believe my sleep walking seemed to surface in times of extreme stress. Doctors just want to medicate you.
Last night I fell asleep on the sofa, my husband was upstairs in our bed room. I had a dream? I was floating above my body. The fear that I would fall was the first thing I remember feeling, and then just the sensation of floating, looking down at my body on the sofa, I believe I was floating around my home and then through the ceiling to the second floor... All at once thinking am I dying, I don't want to go yet! When I reached the second floor I remember saying, "what is that smell?" I woke up and have been freaked out ever since.
Was I dying and given a second chance? My girlfriend told me it was astral projection... But why, I never even heard of such a thing, what does it mean... Do you know?