I recently wrote about my Spiritual Journey and Angels Among Us. This one is Answers and Meaning. Just after I wrote Spiritual Journey, I was telling someone about it and the next day, before the story was posted, I met a man who admitted he also sees faces. He sent me the picture that I sent with my story Angels Among Us and told me that I could use it to support my findings during my Spiritual Journey.
This is significant in my journey because before all of my hospitalizations began. I lost a pregnancy at 3 months in 2002 and have always felt guide from there after I flatlined during the recovery of the procedure. I felt so much inner peace upon coming to that I had to ask what happened and I was told I flatlined by my ex-fiancée who was at my bedside when it happened.
My life suddenly changed and things happened for what seemed to be the worst, yet I seemed to be alright other than crying a lot. No one around could explain the sudden hardships, except to blame me and I knew I was doing my best, things never made sense 2002-2008, until recently I seen I was guided even resulting in the hospitalizations beginning in 2003-2008.
Something very unexplained came out of all of this. I have no research degree, but I wrote a research paper based on the psychiatric medications that millions of people are given each day.
I recently e-mailed it to the Alzheimer's Association in Chicago, who accepted into their research library after finding relevance to what I had presented regarding the psychiatric medications derived from past surgeries that eradicate abstract thinking which affects memory. Hopefully, my research and personal story may eventually help millions of people who have memory loss and have used the psychiatric medications. This is unbelievable. I never anticipated those findings or that research achievement in my lifetime.
My Spirituality was/is truly at work and I believe someone above guided my pathways for the good of the whole. I'm very humbled.
This is a copy of the letter received on July 31, 2008 from the Alzheimer's Association:
Hello Gina Sciarrino,
Thank you for contacting the Alzheimer's Association. Your email was forwarded to the Green-Field Library. The mechanism we have for considering research ideas is our grant program, into which we put a lot of energy. We don't have the bandwidth, I'm afraid, to deal with research in other ways. Yours is an interesting idea but there are thousands upon thousands of people who have never taken psychiatric medicines and still get Alzheimer's disease. When I search PubMed (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez) for: psychiatric medicine life time use frequency,
I do see some relevancy. Do you know about this database?
Thank you for sharing this idea. I will share it with my director.
Mary Ann
Mary Ann Urbashich
Associate Director, Library
Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library
225 N. Michigan Ave., Fl. 17
Chicago, IL 60601-7633
(Ofc) 312-335-5199
I believe everything works for the benefit of the whole. I love how true Spiritualists always cross paths for when things are need to be known from the unknown. The reasons of why and the need real answers are always seen and felt if we are open to what the Spiritualists have to guide in this world because really we do get things from out of no where, as it seems to people.
I've come to separate that apparitions are for the ghost psychics and maybe the winged entities are for true Spiritualism that involves the beliefs of it as a religion. It all goes hand in hand and it all has meaning.
I can honestly say, this has been my religion ever since I can remember, that I live by even though mental health could never understand the whys of why I say the things I say or the whys about what I was doing such as traveling alone throughout the U.S. I always knew why, that my Spiritual Journey was to find something although I could not answer what I was looking for, I just knew it was something and it came out into words for the ALZ library, where I could apply my nursing background and science.
And I do still feel a lot of inner peace from my nursing career, the loss of pregnancies and from the outcome of the things that followed, bringing me to this point in my life.
You may post this story also.
God Bless,
Gina Sciarrino