Finding a four-leaf clover in itself surely is not a spiritual experience. Some people spend their free time looking for them and have found thousands. Some sell them. I believe, however, that such finding, like any other "lucky" event truly has meaning when it comes as an answer to an inner request.
I have been on the Path for many years now and have had enlightening experiences. However, I choose to tell this story because it is for me a representation that life gives when we stop feeding mental and emotional desires.
So, weeks ago, I was attending a telepathy course. A woman took out a four-leaf clover from a book and said to us she had recently found two and were looking for more to give her daughters. It kind of struck me. Four-leaf clovers... I remembered how, when I was young, my brother and I tried to find some and that I felt frustrated because couldn't find any. I wasn't jealous of that woman there, but I just thought: hey, I would like to find four-leaf clovers. It would be a nice thing. I didn't give myself a reason, and in fact I still don't know why I marveled at the idea of finding some; I'm not a superstitious person and I don't think I need luck. I believe that if you are in true contact with yourself, your mind will be guided by your soul to everything you need. And so, following that event, I tended to look down to clovers when I walked, not anxiously wanting to find a four-leaf one, but just being attentive and Hoping. I kind of put positive energy into this wish.
Now one day, about two weeks later, I was taking a walk pointlessly in my neighborhood. I had just visited a nice little church, and I was walking on the yard of a private high school directed by catholics for the first time. I felt really good, really peaceful, and I found the yard wonderful. I looked at a statue of the virgin Mary of one minute, telling myself how we pictured her as a beautiful person. (I'm not a religious person, but I admire all religions).
I kept on walking and came upon a small amount of clovers and stopped right there as if in shock. I saw them and just thought: Wow, they're... Not the same... They're beautiful, grandiose... You know, as if I had just come to see a most amazing, unusual thing, yet they were just clovers. I bent down... And that's when I saw... A four-leaf clover... And another, and one more... I found 9 in all, but picked 7. At first, I wondered if picking so many wasn't a bit greedy, but I felt those clovers were meant to be picked.
Now, they're in a book, and I intend on giving them to people who are special to me. I have a feeling that if I give them to the right persons, they will inspire them and at the same time make my bonds with them stronger. I have looked up the meaning of four-leaf clovers. Apparently, each leaf stands for something: Love, Hope, Faith and finally Good Luck.
I'm grateful. This story is a reflection of how I lead my life right now. I live the present moment, and I simply, humbly listen to my heart, detached from desires and anticipation. And, everyday seems to me a journey that leads me to whatever answers I need. Because, whatever questions I have, the answers come in time.