I had a vision about four years ago. When I first had it, I called local churches and they basically just asked me what I was going through or how I was feeling that time of my life. I want to tell someone or a group of people who are knowledgeable in prophecy or general spiritual studies. When I received my vision I wasn't knowledgeable at all in the bible or anything to do with religion. Matter of fact, I always questioned if God was real and I thought that the bible was a good thing and that it tamed the masses and gave them hope so that there wouldn't be chaos.
So I am going to just tell you how it happened. I don't know the full meaning of any of it and some parts are kind of random to me. I'm also going to try to add as much detail as I can so that you won't miss anything that might be of importance, also it may not be in exact order.
One night I was lying in my bed in the dark and I had my eyes open because I was thinking when all of a sudden I noticed a figure waving his hands at me kind of like how an umpire strikes out a baseball player, but slower. Then he got to his knees at the end of my bed and began weeping (a word I never used). He continued to weep for a long time and he would look at me. He wasn't in actual flesh, but he was in human form kind of translucent and shiny or glittery, he also presented himself to me as quite small. He didn't have a crown or anything he did have long hair.
During this time there were four angels in my room. They had the same translucent effect, but not as shiny/glittery and were a lot taller than the man. This was happening for about 5-6 hours. The angels were mostly standing around, but they did look like they were going to pick me up and honestly I was crying and saying please take me because I wasn't scared, I was amazed and joyful. The man also sat on my desk and was pulling his hair to the side and stroking it. (That was one of the random facts that doesn't necessarily make any sense to me and I contemplated not adding it because I thought that it wouldn't be taken seriously making the rest not believable.) Another important thing that happened was that I had red wings covering me actually just one big red wing. At some point there were flames on the ceiling.
This vision was real. It changed my life forever. After that I believed that I was guided into my mom's garage where I happened to find a bible. I started reading it and the words came to life... It was talking to me. I remember running into my mom's room crying saying "the bible is talking to me!" It was amazing and it wasn't the same as interpreting the bible differently like everyone does... Me included, it was different.
After reading for hours on end the words said you are studying too hard, get some rest my son/daughter (I don't know what exactly it ended in at this moment) . After reading it again many times later I know it doesn't say that. After having the vision and reading the bible the part that stands out to me regarding the vision was Psalm 91 (this still applies, but now I'm wondering if it actually has more meaning then I originally thought)
Also back in Jesus' days when the prophets had a vision they were supposed to tell people, so that is what I'm doing. I believe it is especially important these days as the world is getting more complicated. I see a lot of things coming to light as they are written in the scriptures as I am sure you do as well.
Please read this and contemplate it and if you don't see it relevant would you please pass it to someone else to read because I do believe that it is important. I was also wondering if there were any good churches in Seattle that preach the truth.
I hope that I didn't leave anything out. My goal was to have someone write me back on what this vision might mean, not only to me, but to the world. Thank you for reading.
-Sorry if my grammar is not perfect
The story was about why you were up anxious in the first place
Technological EMF sensitivity most likely
I have not heard of a vision portray that situation so accurate
Your mind told you cause, effect, solution all in one.
Well done