After watching Rhonda Brynes The Secret, I underwent a profound spiritual experience which changed my life completely. I suddenly realized this world we believe in is exactly that, A BELIEF...
The "secret" opened my third eye and allowed me to see the unseen. Reflecting back now, I could describe it more as a constant revelation occurring. I understood with clarity why holding negative belief systems can have a destructive effect in your life. With this knowledge, I began reprogramming my mind via affirmations and the will.
I witnessed time stop, among other unexplainable phenomenon. It was clear that karma was a product of the universe with no angry god that punished the wicked. Suffering was self inflected, the wicked punished themselves. The universe was indeed balanced and coherent.
This energy (which increased in power day by day) finally climaxed to a point where everyone in the world seemed to know who and where I was. It was as if they knew this world was purgatory and I was just figuring it out for the first time. I remember feeling angry, like a massive conspiracy was against me. Nobody really loved me, they just played along. Why didn't they tell me, I thought? What was going on?
This energy (which lasted about a week) slowly left while incarcerated. I shared this story (in greater detail) to loved ones, only to get rejected and branded as a lunatic. People found it hard to believe in something other then there own perceptions of the world. And how can it be otherwise, the ego will stop at nothing for sovereign over one's consciousness.
I quit my job of ten years and moved 1200 miles away to a less populated area. I am now a dedicated spiritual aspirant on pathway to enlightenment. I believe evolving is our true purpose in life. To reach our highest potential is the greatest gift we can give ourselves as well as others. We're all a part of a greater whole. We are one.
God bless us all...
This story did not solicit much response (maybe due to lack of detail?) I had hoped to get some feed-back that would help me understand the nature of my experience. My search to find material that supports my claim has been unsuccessful. So this time around, I will try to give you a better description to what I truly believe is indescribable.
"Purgatory" is what this world felt like, a place foreign to where I really belonged. Trapped in a world that wasn't real. Where everyone was acting along to keep me in bondage. I felt like Jim Carrey in "The Truman Show", played for a fool by the very people who claimed to love me. This revelation came about silently, no words where spoken. It was an Epiphany, a giant leap in awareness which gave me the power to break free from this giant lie.
My body was filled with spiritual energy. The "feeling" was like the euphoria I first felt with alcohol, but with great clarity and coherence. Everything looked clear and radiant, as if looking through a new set of eyes. Anger, shock and confusion set-in. I stood outside yelling, 'I know' repeatedly. This lead to a confrontation with the negative energies that held sway over man's consciousness. I did not know that at the time and physically attacked some police officers (thinking they were involved). Incarceration followed as a result.
Theere's a lot more to the story which I hope to share with you at a later time. If anyone can relate or know the significance of this experience please feel free to share it with me. Thank you.
God bless you as he has me.
Now my spirituality has moved to be in the heart, where I experience the true love of God flowing, slowly spreading into body and soul, a little more every week, and that is all that I want at those times. All seeking answers and all thinking and wondering, all reading in books disappears and Love is all there is. Love is what I am, love is my purpose and love is the truth and the path.