In a dream that was at the time perceived as waking life, I was in a music studio on a plane, hovering a few hundred feet above the ground, in a sudden change of experience, the plane began to free fall and spiral down towards the earth. I caught a glimpse out of the window of the ground drawing nearer, and instantly closed my eyes to try gain a form of meditation empty spiritual consciousness and accept the fate of the moment.
I had no perception of timing and did not know the moment when the plane would hit the ground. In this closed eye silent moment I felt a powerful explosion from within, with only the smallest burning overwhelming which flowed into a wave of quiet modest peaceful bliss. In the moment of change from burning to peaceful bliss I felt no understanding of time or space and did not feel my body from the moment I closed my eyes, as the explosion settled into the peace.
I cannot describe but can very intensely remember the moment that followed, it was one of no thought or sensory perception, just nothing but I felt half aware of this moment but not aware in any understandable sense. I did not question or think, just waited, after a short time I felt a growing feeling spout, from this moment I could not understand or expect to understand. I then awoke into the remains of the crash where ambulances were bagging bodies and locking them in a van, I then shouted that we were still alive and that is all I remember.
If a dream is in your mind, then it is no less real than any other part of your life, and when dreaming a dream that you think is real, like many, until you wake up, they play deeply into your emotions and can change you just like all other experience.
I don't know whether I experienced death, however I feel that I died for real as every moment was real. I have been having spiritual experiences for a long time and have been meditating daily for a few months. This experience has not yet played a significant role in my life however it remains as significant in my mind as any other memory and I can remember the physical explosion from inside of power and force and heat to a silent peaceful bliss which felt almost feather light in comparison to the heaviness of the burning, it was a complete fade from the 2 extremes in a short time.
I cannot explain the inexplicable. Anyone else died when they had vivid dreams?