I am a born again christian and today I had an out of the body experience. I never had one before. As I was kneeled down praying at the altar in my church, I was experiencing great peace and contentment.
As I was praying, I hear my teacher getting ready to start bible classes and I thought that I should get ready too. The Lord knowing my thoughts made me feel I should not get up yet, so I obeyed and stayed a little longer. Like within 5 seconds after I responded to the Spirit's need at that moment, I feel something is coming down through the ceiling behind me and comes through my back and I see it coming out of my chest through the front and I saw its appearance and it was luminous like very bright light.
As I am watching this flow of life coming out of my body, I feel very light, like floating, and suddenly in a very abrupt way, I feel falling down into my body like my spirit falling at the speed of gravity into my body. When I came to I was shaking in the Spirit with a glorious blessing but at the same time quite scared. But I thank God for giving me such an experience to prove to me that I have a spirit that in its due time will only want to be in His presence. God Bless You Always.
Out of body experiences can be pretty scary.
I have never had one happen to me before.
Good story!:]