First off, when I had these experiences I had no idea what lucid dreaming or an out of body experience was. It all started this year, I had started to have dreams where I knew I was dreaming. I was actually conscious of the fact that I was dreaming. I thought I would wake up after finding out that I was dreaming but I didn't. I have had many of these dreams during the course of this year. I thought it was probably a normal occurrence and so I didn't think too much about it.
However, this past thursday, when I was sleeping I woke up inside my mind. I knew I was awake but I could not move at all. I started to panic. I tried to move and to say something but I couldn't. And I swear, I felt like I was being lifted from my body. I remember that I had my eyes wide open and I thought I could physically see myself. I also heard voices but no one had been in my room when I fell asleep. It was frightening for me and so I closed my eyes and said a prayer to God.
Afterwards, I felt like I was shaking and felt chills or goosebumps all over. That was when I suddenly got up and "woke" up. But I noticed that I had fallen asleep on top of my textbook (I was studying for a test) and so I thought, "How could it be possible that I had my eyes open and could see when my head was down in a book?"
I'm only 16 years old so I have no knowledge on this type of thing. So I did do some research on the internet but it didn't really help. Was it really an Out of Body Experience or something else? Is it normal? Explanations needed please?