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Real Spiritual Experiences by chronological order: Page 8
Development Circle by Matryem
My wife and I got involved in spiritualism about 1985, and were involved in a development circle. It soon became apparent that we work as a team, where I would see but be drawing on the strength of my wife. I never ever got things that related to people, such as names or I have your grandfather o...
A Lesson By A Spiritual Guide? by taiji973
My spiritual story started when I was probably 8 or 9. Me, 2 of my brothers and my sister were walking along the street talking about an event that happened a while back when we were chased by a gang of individuals and we escaped through the woods. While we were walking, we passed this old chinese l...
What I Believe Was A Spiritual Experience by lalabr549
When I was sixteen years old, I began suffering from panic attacks. I am still unsure to this day what the cause was exactly, but I remember feeling absolutely terrified. I had looked in a psychology book and came to the conclusion that I was experiencing some sort of panic disorder and decided that...
A Good Friend Passed Away Recently by USA19032
How are you everyone? I understand this post isn't supposed to be about dreams, etc etc. My good friend John passed away in a motorcycle accident months ago. I have been dreaming of him a lot. The last time I dreamt of him, he woke me up. As soon as I seen him in the dream, he physically woke me up....
Encounter With A Portal From Heaven by Gmo91
Me and my wife have been attending a church where we had an encounter with God that opened up a hunger to know more and want more. I had friends who had set me up with people that walk in incredible spiritual Gifts. Talking with these men of God changed my Life. They had given me their insights and ...
Filled by lola
On Friday my car was hit by another car. This car was speeding when it hit me in an intersection, I was turning into a shopping center. The car that hit me sent my car into the back of the car in front of me so my side door hit the bumper of the car in front of me. I was in the clear and this car hi...
An Early Rising Angel by tamara83
I have experience something early yesterday morning that I can not explain. It was around 6:00 in the morning when I was lying on my back and my husband was lying on my left side. All of a sudden I could not move, I tried calling for my husband but I could not talk. I notice I could move my left han...
Conscious Peace by Hathaway
I was sitting in full lotus, body wrapped in a blanket, mind rapt in deep stillness, breathing lightly, wisps of air curling into the infinite space behind my closed eyes. My mantra had gone beyond sound to become a pulse of light in an emptiness that contained everything. An electric shock flash...
Oh My God by tallenb49
Like so many stories this one starts with my birth. My current earthly birth of course. The only reason I mention this is because at the finish of this story (the whole story is of course far from over) I understood how each event of my life, like a pinball bouncing from one bumper to another, led m...
God Held My Hand by conr454
So my story begins in a cemetery, beautiful cemetery it is! So many gorgeous massive tall trees which hang over the path as you walk through, each tree just hugging you, its a very peaceful loving walk when you go through the cemetery, for some reason I had been wanting to always visit this cemetery...
Visited By The Holy Spirit by cyndielynna
My name is Cyndie and I am excited to share my story! Here we go... When I was 18, I was living with my dad. My dad was very strict! He didn't allow me to date, watch MTV, or even talk on the phone with my friends. I was very sheltered. Well one week he was out of town and so I went out on a date be...
Meeting Christ Returned In 1993 by mikeward62
THE EXPERIENCE. THE MAKING OF A MODERN DAY MYSTIC. The nature of my experience is as follows: My childhood was quite ordinary, plenty of outdoor activities: Fishing, Bike riding, Playing outside with friends - nothing out of the ordinary. A rather rebellious teenager, often in trouble at school...
An Angelic Visitation by magikflute
The events of this story took place in 1974, when I was turning 18 years old. This was not a dream; it was real. When I was a young, foolish high school girl I became engaged to a young man three years my senior. He was attending a local vocational school and graduated from his program and moved ...
Healing The Virus Of Violence by Hathaway
Back in high school I'd been good at languages but couldn't afford to go to college, so I joined the navy for the language training. They have a program where if you pass an aptitude test, they'll send you to the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California, for an intensive course that's wort...
Butterflies, Signs Given From Some Higher Power? by arcane
My name is April and I would like to share my personal spiritual experience with you. I have had too many experiences to share with you in one writing so I will share just one that is significant. This has to do with Monarch Butterflies. What some of you may be asking is what is so spiritual about t...
A Hug From Upstairs And Loving Words by puppet4christ
I am a Christian and I am a firm believer in God The Father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit. I always knew that God was real but now that I am older I have confirmation that he is real. One night as I sat in my living room praying I became overwhelmed with love for God. Lovingly I reflected on...
Divine Embrace by Geeta-V
My 15 year old daughter underwent a knee surgery this Monday (10/12/2012) for which I had to stay in the hospital for 3 days and could return home only on the 4th day. The day I returned home, I was very exhausted and in a confused state of mind. I have a daily prayer ritual in the evening after ret...
Who Is My Guide by spiritwolfdancer
I have been attending medetitation classes with a medium for some time now. I enjoy the classes very much as I find myself looking at things in a new light. I asked the teacher (the medium) how I find my spirit guide. He explained that if I asked, the guide would come to me through meditation. That ...
Feeling The Holy Spirit by Maf07
Ii grew up in the Midwest and was raised in a middle class blue collar family. We lived in a rural area in the country. My upbringing was very sheltered, born in 1978, we had a TV but only 3 channels. Both of my parents are deeply religious but do not share it openly. My father's family was very...
I Was Ready To Give Up by nikkikki
This happened in 2011 around Christmas. Christmas is never a good time for me anyway, but that year I was feeling particularly down. I wasn't sure what direction I was supposed to be taking with my life (I'm still not). Anyway, this particular day I had reached my breaking point. I had fought with m...
Shared Love by mattyda1
My experience is very difficult to explain as it was more a feeling than a measurable quantifiable experience, it is a feeling that was shared with another who also felt it and confirmed it at the time. I was in my mid 20s, almost 20 years ago, that I met my then girlfriend of 1 year in Greece, a...
Fallen Angel Of Old by mysticalwoman
This happened to me last year in the spring when I was in my most difficult semester in nursing school. I have experienced a lot of spiritual activity during this time and this was one of my experiences. One night I had fell asleep early because I had class the next day, very early in the morning. I...
Walking Phoenix by Lila
In 1999 I had separated from a relationship of 7 years and although it was a right decision, it drained all my energy and I felt very empty inside, only a shell of a human being. I hated it. However, I was very interested to start a relationship with a man I had known for 5 years as a friend. He had...
Two Hands On My Head by AlwaysBlessed1961
When I was very young, my cousins and I would play 'church' in our clubhouse. My aunt who was a very devout Christian woman would give us old church bulletins, Sunday school books, or other church literature she had and no longer had need of. All of my life, I have always remembered one very sp...
Mary's Grief by The-Listener
I try to listen to the loving presence that has never left me since my childhood. Yesterday, I was lead to visit St. Ann's Catholic church in Charlotte, NC where I live, with my husband. But before I share with you my experience from yesterday, I would like to quickly share with you another. A nu...
Discovering Spirituality by searching
An old friend and my boss in my first job 15 years back stayed with me and my family for a week. I had always known he was a practicing Buddhist and both he and his wife were deeply spiritual, but this had never been a matter of longer discussion between us. This time, we talked a lot about spiritua...
ICU Soul Out Of Body Experience by messenger
I had open heart surgery on good Friday April 6 2012. Afterwards I was transferred to ICU. On the third day being Sunday late afternoon I had the most terrifying "soul out of the body" experience. I found myself on the floor (back seat) of a huge yellow jeep in a fetal position. I was not able to mo...
Incredible But True by Henriyukon
Incredible but true, I've discovered something amazing that changed me in ways I can't explain. I want to share this experience with you, so that you can understand that there is more that surrounds us then you may think. I was resting in my living room with my dog, sitting in my chair with my eye...
Like An Out Of Body Experience But Different by angelicah66
This has now happened on 2 occasions within a few days. I was simply walking to my bedroom when all of a sudden things went a little foggy. As I walked through the rooms they became unfamiliar to me as though I was a stranger to my house and even as though it was not me walking through the house. My...
Easter Message by iloveGod
On the 12 March 2013 I went to Townsville for my Uncles funeral. He had a heart attack while sleeping. We are all very sad and in shock by his sudden death. I wanted to write down what happened over the past two days while I was in Townsville. I feel so eager to share this story; it's truly amaz...
Spiritual, Or Simply Insane? by SoVeryConfused
I've always been... Different. Since I was young, I held this strange feeling deep within my being that there was something more to this world; something the media doesn't tell us, something our parents don't know, and something that is desperately trying to push me along on a path I have both contr...
Touched By God Three Times by Chuck
To all that will spare a few minutes to read my story, Thank you for your time. I have felt very much compelled to share this story with as many as I can. My name is Chuck and I have been touched by the hand of God three times. Please take from my story and my message anything that you can and p...
This Is What I Saw... While Wide Awake by BruceH208
Best regards and thank you for taking time to read what happened to me. I do not pretend to have all the answers. But what happened 2 years ago is finally making sense. I'll stick to the facts and try not to put subjective judgements into the description. Short Background First: 60 years old s...
Pulled Out Of Body Then Dropped Back by pulled
So, I am currently in the hospital and yesterday while I was in the MRI machine I apparently fell asleep. I was in the machine for about an hour and a half and if you have ever had an MRI on your head, it can be quite relaxing with the humming and knocking noises... Especially when you have ear plug...
Awakening To Nature Spirit by lucygirl18
In essence, the experience of Spiritual awakening is age unrelated, irrelevant. However, to serve the purpose of this story it is appropriate to say that i'm now in my twilight years. My first truely memorable Spiritual awakening takes me back to age 11 years. 'In the mind of' an 11 year old an...
A Vision Of Our Lady by mary01
The vision comes about when I am awoken from a dream. This happened over 20 years ago. The dream is as follows: I am following a nun who is wearing the old habit, a long black dress and veil, down a corridor in my old school (l was taught by teachers, some of who were nuns) though she does not...
The Flu by chubby6
April 8, 2013I had been sick for about 5 days according to my wife to me it seemed like two days I had no concept of time. Earlier I had been on vacation with my Wife and Daughter to Santa Barbara Ca. Thing just seem to not be going right and I began to blame God for all of my problems. After return...
When The God Shows Up by capeman1857
I have had some faith in a "higher power" for most of my life, but drifted away from my Christian childhood roots and had not attended church for decades. I was going through a relationship problem and was slightly depressed. My friend, Pastor Bob, showed up in my life after many years away. While t...
April Sixth 2010 by kristi_thompson
My story is complex but I will try to make it simple and understandable. I was seventeen, it was the weekend and was having a normal weekend sleepover at my bestfriends. We had just went to the movies and was relaxing on her bed talking until we would fall asleep. My best friend had fell asleep in m...
Something Tries To Take My Soul Away From My Body by weirdHappenings
My problem started about 3 months ago. I practice a lot of meditation and letting go. Letting go to me is allowing my mind become blank. I do this all the time and I am fine but something weird happens when I let go before I go to sleep. When I meditate right before bed I feel this energy trying to ...
Prayer From The Heart by Redsky3
Before I start my story on my spiritual experience. I would like to give a little background information on myself. I am a former atheist prior to my experience. I had a rough childhood due to my parents being drug addicts and my grandmother committing suicide when I was 12. The reason for me adding...
Unplanned Conversion by bphutchins89
Around 1986/87 I had a really strange experience of Jesus that at the time seemed totally out of the blue as in unforeseen and inexplicable. I had split up with another in a series of girlfriends and wives that I had been with for the previous twenty years. It was traumatic but not unexpected, but s...
An Overview Of My Experiences by cal_schrock
For an overview this will seem long but my experiences are very detailed and I remember it well. What takes place is through many nights of sleep and over a period of many years. At first I dismissed it as mere dreams. When I researched it I was blown away. I didn't expect to find anyone else going ...
Creek Heritage - Animal Guide Causing Fear by poisnktty0687
I am 25, nearly 26 years old. As a child I was told stories of my heritage, but only a trickle. It was so watered down through the generations that I doubted that they were true. The story was that one of my great grandfathers (several "greats") traded some guns and horses for my great (several "Gre...
Touched By The Holy Spirit by Dwenger7412
Growing up my parents did not attend church or have any religion in their life so neither did I. I guess you can't miss what you never had. But I had always felt that something was missing from my life, I just didn't know what. I grew up without faith. It wasn't until I met my wife that she introduc...
Synchronicity Of Oneness With A Friend And Nature by hardworkplanning
My name is Jason and I am currently 35 years old and this experience occurred in the 90's when I was still a teenager. My best friend Kurt took his own life with a 22 caliber hand gun and it shocked me so much at the time that I quit drinking and using any other forms of drugs. I started reading the...
Hard To Believe But True by Anannaya
I personally have never encountered so called ghosts, spirits or whatever one terms them as. And I really don't know what to believe.I've always said I will believe in them only if I've seen one. I did have a strange incident once. This was in 2005. My case did become a learing experience for a lot ...
Suicide And Split Souls by makingachange
Suicide and Split Souls Brigid Curran 10 November 2013 It has taken me 3 years to write this article as I am quite an analytical person and require confirmation for the work I do. (Clairvoyant Medium) This event is dedicated to Peter Middleton who passed to a better place 8 March 2010. You will ...
Great Suffering, Great Triumph by egomaniac
In the months before my experience I remember a shift in beliefs. I became tired of fear and suffering, I began to seek risks and great short term profits that came with them. Also, probably more important, I began to try and fool myself into enjoying suffering; constantly trying to see the bright s...
I Saw Heaven At The Altar by kevin_rottweiler_author
After being a Christian for about 17 years, I decided to be water baptized at a local church I attended. It was never pushed on anyone at the other churches and nobody ever suggested it, so I felt it was time to do it. I was water baptized by full immersion by a local pastor and they did it right...
A Visitation From An Angel by halieghb
I was born with cancer and beat it twice with no medication. Soon after I was completely free of it I had the most life changing experience at such a young age. I will never forget it, I don't tell many people this story because I know people will be highly doubtful of it or think it was a dream. I ...
Visit To The Brahmasthan by Hathaway
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi built a Transcendental Meditation ashram at the central point of India, the Brahmasthan, and I recently visited there. Usually I have very few experiences during meditation, but in my first program in the yogic flying hall I felt a deep silence as soon as I started meditating. ...
Kundalini: The Soothing Onslaught by n0ddy
I started to feel my head being thrown from side to side quite vigorously, yet elegantly. It was almost like a gentle swaying, which I mostly ignored for around thirty seconds, but it quickly got faster, more and more incessant that I take notice. I felt a build up of pressure at the back of my nec...
My Calling by Old_Soul
I'm sure we all feel as though we have a calling, something we are meant to do in the world. No matter what religion or spirituality, I feel like we all have this connectedness. We all strive for the greater good and want to help. For the longest time I believed that my calling was science, fore...
Spiritual Visualization by joelnz
I will start by giving you a bit of background about my life. I have always had some belief in god throughout my life but when I've been at my worst my faith would weaken. In my early 20's I had three separate episodes where I was clinically depressed and each time it took me 4 to 6 months to recove...
Guardians Name by mel1207
A few times in the past a female voice has spoken my name and it was when I was drifting off to sleep. Another time when I was little, I had heard a stern "STOP" when I was running towards a bike track. As soon as I heard this I stopped in my tracks and a cyclist went riding by pretty fast. If I had...
An Experience In Pure Love And Oneness - Obe-nde-like by 1Dreah
In August of 2005 I asked God to take my life. After an impromptu musical performance in a hot night club in St. Tropez, exhilarated but confused, I was ready for my life, as I knew it then, to be over. From the outside, it appeared that I had it all. Lots of talent and charisma, a beautiful...
Strange Out Of Body Occurence by SkittleGirl
I have been a medium ever since I could remember, and also can sense things wrong and etc. I was wondering if you guys could help me with something I have experienced that has been bugging me... I was laying down, and I had barely just laid down before I had seen my body from the outside and then th...
Disappointment Saved My Life by Winchester1
A few years ago, I got involved in some heavy drinking and smoking a substance called K2. After work every night I would join my friends and drink and smoke continuously for roughly 6 hours or so. This habit played out for nearly 8 months. One night, after smoking for a few hours already, I had begu...
The Eyes Of Jesus by believer
I am a recovery counselor, and on March 27th, 2010, I was walking on 49th street in New York City with my latest client, a nice 43 year old woman that I had met on a cruise the prior month. She had tremendous issues, and I had met with her and agreed to help her. On this particular day, we were walk...
Less Spiritually Aware by waterlily
Several years ago I posted my first story about my twirling light (reading my first story may help you to understand what I mean) but as the years have gone by, and I have gotten older I have realized that I am becoming less spiritually aware. I am unsure as to why this is happening but I have som...
Was This My Guardian? by samtillie
I have always believed in guardian angels and that we all have one. I have considered trying to communicate with mine and wanted to know peoples opinions on my experience this week. I went to bed, was relaxed, the environment was nice and quiet. I firstly said my prayer, etc, (I am not religious ...
It Only Lasted A Few Seconds by FredSmith
I just now wrote about this experience as it is still fresh in my mind and fading away fast as we speak, but I am hoping for a repeat so that I can get back to this place. I was standing in the kitchen at a friend's house with my smartphone in hand. I was looking at ud (urban dictionary) page which...
First Encounter With Archangel Michael by Harmony
Last year on November 2013, I will remember that night when I first encounter archangel Michael into my life. My partner, love of my life and soul mate of two years we had a massive augment. I had depression and the fight was enough. I wanted to die because our relationship is everything to me, w...
Is It Her? by chchan
My loving wife was abducted and presumably killed septeber 19 2012. About 2 months before, I was working in the garden when suddenly I started to cry. I wasn't sobbing, just tears rolling down my face. I was totally taken by surprised and unsure as to what was going on. Then the tears stopped and I ...
Feeling Surrounded By Warmth And One With The Universe by Munildis
13 years ago when I was 16 there was a time when I felt depressed - not about my life in particular, but about the world and the way things are going. I kept having the thought that the evolving of the human race must have been a mistake. The way we treat the planet, other living beings and each oth...
Bright White Light by JujuS
I am 21 years old and I would like to share with you what happen to me this morning on the 3rd of July 2014. In a past few years I had to face many difficulties, going throughout that dark phase of my life, I became a very sad person. I lost hope of finding happiness and harmony. However 3 month a...
Astral Prayer by Fa_Al14
I am a muslim, which means that I follow a book called Quran and I would like to share my experience of astral projection whilst praying. This phenomenon happened when I was 12 years old I used to think and still do think about religion I was troubled in my thinking and confused over all in life whi...
God Above All by RedbirdJennifer
My name is Jennifer, I would like to share my story, and was wondering if anyone has ever encountered the same experience as mine. My story begins when I was around the age of 13 when I was walking with a group of friends and walked in a church and sit on the last roll to listen to the word of Go...
Touched By Jesus by Troy
I became a Christian at the age of thirteen and was baptized by my local Church at that age. I have had many amazing experiences that I can talk about but none greater than this. At the age of twenty eight, being married with twin sons, I developed a heart condition called Atrial fibrillation which ...
Awakening? Advice? by PhoebeP46
I have never had a teacher to help me along with my journey. I've had my intuition and the occasional help of a smile to guide me along. My parents typically looked down on my abilities. So when I started to show the physical symptoms of awakening, they immediately rushed me to the hospital and pop...
Heaven Bound by deckster
Having very bad bouts of depression, I voluntarily admitted myself to a hospital. There was a patient there who was demeaning and intolerable and had symbols and odd drawings on her hand. I stayed away from her and kept to myself. I stayed awake all night thinking about my life and how it came to b...
Lying In The Palm Of God by Zapticon
Recently I had an experience I've never had before or after. I'll cut straight to the chase and hope to get some understanding and answers if possible. I was home one weekend to play the piano at a Christian meeting with songs to worship god etc. I've played the piano at meetings like this many m...
Electrifying Experience by drummerken1
I had an experience when I was 12 that always had me wondering if I was the only person on earth that had that happen to them. I looked things up on the Internet and never found anything like it. I talked to my Dr and he said no, so I actually gave up looking. Then I came across this site today afte...
Vision of Hell by KristenMJ
This is a true vision where I was spiritually taken to Hell to be shown the consequences of a completed suicide. I believe that this vision occurred due to my suicidal tendencies, and that I was planning at some point to end my life. I didn't have a very specific plan as to when I would commit suici...
A Very Ordinary Thing by SummitApex
I've read a lot on here, and I have a high level of respect for the people and stories I hear. It is truly amazing to see the variety of different types of experiences people have. It is interesting as well to note that there are some that involve some fantastic events with things like angels, the g...
The Holy Spirit by catherine
It has been 30 years since this experience. Which is one of many. I was about 17years old and a neighbor came over to see if my older sister was interested in going to a nearby church with her. My sister was not home at the time and she asked me if I wanted to go. I was hesitant but decided to go wi...
The Rainbow Lotus And Waltzing Shadows by noodlecake
First off, I have to say I'm NOT a religious or spiritual person. I don't partake with any god/gods or religious following. This is what I clearly remember not even a few months after my level 1 Reiki attunement, I'm not even sure if it's related to that in any way. It was a couple years ago, th...
Tranquility At Kennesaw Mountain by seeker
Tranquility at Kennesaw Mountain "Life is a journey; Death is one too". FORWARD When I was a teenager in high school, I converted from Greek Orthodox to Roman Catholic to attend church because there was no Greek Orthodox Church in or near the town where I lived. I don't recall exactly why, b...
My Dad - My Guardian Angel by kira45887
My mom is typing this for me cause I am only 15 years old and this happened to me... Today 10-13-2014 at 7:30 this morning... My name is John. I live in Ohio... 7 years ago I lost my father. My father was great man and loved me and my mom a lot. I was 8 years old when he committed suicide (due t...
Saved By Grace by russt
My aunt grace had just died at home, later that day I was at home on the computer when I got a feeling of happiness and I started to uncontrollably smile and right then I felt an energy come from above towards the top of my forehead, and my forehead raised up to except the energy. And as that happen...
Feeling Of Warmth And Safety by Cortney123
I have come to this site searching for answers, and maybe feed back by. Someone that had similar experience. For this experience saved my life and opened a storm of questions. I'm 22 years of age and a couple months ago I was not doing so good, um got married which should have been wonderful but ...
In The Blink Of An Eye by JanPavalon
In the summer of 2006, something strange began to happen. I felt a compulsion to clean out and organize things. Especially at work, I sorted through twelve years of paperwork and stored most of my personal things in a few boxes. That summer, my husband and I met with another couple weekly and pra...
Awakened At 10 by dnetizen
My journey started at 10 years old. I ran out of a blind alley and was hit by a car. The last thing I remember was seeing the other side, then the car. I flew 20 feet into the air and landed on the pavement. Once in the hospital the prognosis was not good, brain swelling, compound fracture left ...
NDE From Stopping Breathing At Night by Else4444
My experience happened when I was asleep. I "dreamed" I was laying on grass. Sunshine, quiet. I looked into the sky. I have started to hear an eagle. And I am not normally sure what kind of noises they make but I knew it was an eagle. I was so relaxed. After a while of peacefullness I had that feeli...
Yoga And Out of Body Experiences by earrthchild
I have been practicing Sivananda Yoga recently which is a very spiritual practice. Yoga in general is spiritual, but the Sivananda tradition gives special attention to spirituality, unlike some other more athletically focused styles. Anyway, because of this, I have been practicing asanas (poses) les...
My Experience With Michael The Archangel by Etherialstar
While I do not believe in God the way others do, I do believe in him. He is the creator of all. I know things and always have. Here is my experience with Archangel Michael. I grew up with Italian parents from Italy. Before my father met my mother he was studying to become a priest. We were Rom...
Awakening by sunnyscorpiosoul
My whole life I have felt that I never made choices for me. I felt powerless over the choices I was making. Activities I participated in, where I went, which college I chose, who I dated, I never really felt connected to my choice making. It could be said I felt I was acting impulsively and blindly....
The Hidden Reality by Ariela
Growing up in New York City in a very strict Catholic home I began questioning the doctrines of our faith at a very young age. Little did I know that this very same quest brought me to a moment in my life in which I would have all these questions answered for me by G-d, Himself! When this revelat...
999 by Dwingler1
I had an awakening like I have never felt before today. I have been struck by illness the past 3 years. I had hurt my back at work and was wrongfully terminated. I had a part time job for a while but could not hold the position because I had fallen ill. I had high thyroid levels and was sick all the...
GPS by Pdoty
GPS, technology, isn't it amazing! Sometimes just thinking about how fast things have developed in the last 5 to 10 years just blows me away. Not even considering how far we have come in the last 100 years compared to all of life's existence. Gps is a real good example, almost everybody has on...
A Visit From The Other Side by werenotalone
This happened years ago but I've been thinking about it recently and wanted to find a place to share it. A close friend of mine had lost her daughter and we had gone to a few psychics who told us that most people can communicate with the other side. Up until this point I had many dreams that were pr...
Padenzur by KidtheKid
This is my story of a spiritual experience that I had once, it was quite interesting and has me wanting some questions answered to this day, so it all starts when I was at my buddies house that I tended to visit frequently, we were both just sitting and watching t.v. When out of nowhere tears starte...
Heart Chakra Opening by ElizabethAnne
I am a young woman currently undergoing a rapid spiritual transformation which began approximately three weeks prior to the publication of this story. Three weeks ago I was in a terrible place in my life. I was in a state of despair over a failed romantic relationship, and from cutting off all ti...
Holy Spirit Visitation by GarySG
I am 64 years of age. 30 years ago I said yes to the Lord. Not the yes that one may commonly think of in terms of yes Lord what ever you want. This went to the depth of my soul. I recognized this yes was for real. Immediately the Holy Spirit seemed to step right into my presence or I should say I wa...
Full Body Vibration Experience by Viren
I had this special full body experience few days ago. It was this week on Tuesday 2nd of April 2015 morning around 6 am, I was about to get up but still laying down on my bed consciously and my wife was in the kitchen, suddenly my whole body start vibrating with buzzing sound in my ear. I was not fe...
Change by Priceless
So I'm not a religious person per say. I think of logic over everything, I mean do I think there something else besides this? Logically it makes sense for there to be. Because of so many unknown things. But I'm not At church every Sunday. Well you get the idea. So my whole life I've always been posi...
Are Imaginary Friends Visits From Deceased Loved Ones? by LyndaFishman
'Thirty something' years ago, when my kids made comments about their 'imaginary friends' - making visits, having conversations, joining us on outings - we accepted them as exactly that; imaginary friends dreamed up in their vivid, child-like imaginations. But our knowledge and experience about so ma...
Lets Take This Journey by bigmoe
Today I lost my job. You may think this is a strange way to start a story but if the worst is in the beginning then it can only get better. You see I was sitting with a client in her home when I received a call. This call was from a business associate of mine. He proceeded to inform me that he had m...
Soul Leaving Body Dying by chamberlin
April 20, 2015 It started out in bed trying to go to sleep, I could not ger relaxed & had a very unsettling feeling, almost like an anxiety attack coming on, I have anxiety, I remember hearing a voice in my head, it said "You are going to see or meet Jesus Tonight," I can't recall for sure but ...
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