Growing up my parents did not attend church or have any religion in their life so neither did I. I guess you can't miss what you never had. But I had always felt that something was missing from my life, I just didn't know what. I grew up without faith. It wasn't until I met my wife that she introduced me to religion. And I agreed to take the RCIA classes in the fall of 2011 with her as my sponsor. During that time I found faith and I found God.
I was touched by The Holy Spirit during mass 2 weeks before Christmas, 12-11-11. I was sitting in the pew and I felt a pressure on top of my left shoulder, about the size of a hand. Then I clearly heard a calm yet powerful male voice in my left ear say "Your sins are forgiven" and then the "hand" let go of me. I instantly turned my head to see who was touching and talking to me but no one was there. I didn't know what to think. It was two weeks later before I told my wife about it. I don't know if this happens often or He reached out to me because I was new to the faith, but it was an unforgettable and powerful experience. I was touched by God!
My wife and I were still going through the annulment process through the diocese so I could not become Catholic yet. A year later our annulment was finalized and we were remarried in the Catholic church on 1-11-13. Where I took 4 sacrament: Baptism, Confirmation, Communion and Matrimony.
God put me on a path and I have been transformed. I now have faith and peace in my soul. I am truly blessed! Thank you for taking the time to read my story.