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Real Spiritual Experiences

A Touch By The Holy Spirit


Not sure why I feel the need to write this out much less share so openly. After all, my experience happened over twelve years ago. I have shared this experience with only a few people who have been close to me or people who I thought needed words of hope where I could not find logical advice to help them in their time of need.

I was 26 years old and had been living in NYC for about a year. Having been born and raised in a small Midwest - blue-collar town, NYC was the potential opportunity to making my claim in life.

On the onset, life was good! The company I worked for put my coworkers and I up in a midtown apartment in NYC. It was like a kid living in Disneyland! I had friends/acquaintances from day one. In such a lonely city of people who long to have friendships, I was good to go. We worked hard and played hard and took the whole city by storm.

The startup business operation was slow, but that was O.K. Why? Simply stated, I met a woman who I believed to be my soul mate. As all relationships begin, I believed she could be the one. I fell hard... She did not!

After a year of living with people you work with and realizing this was unhealthy for business (we were at each others throats) on top of the fact that the girl I was dating moved on... I was lost!

I guess if you can't make it here you can't make it anywhere!

I was at an all time low. In my depression, I pushed everyone away and kept to myself. I was miserable but at the time didn't realize how down I was on life.

One day I didn't know what to do with myself. No one around to talk with and no where to go, I decided to go to church... Every day!

I was raised Catholic and although not a bible thumper, I respected its values and never found hatred or directed anger towards the church as some people recently have found.

I went to St Patrick's Cathedral, which was only a few blocks from the apartment we were living. I would walk around admiring this tranquil masterpiece in the middle of New York Cities pulsating spirit. I would go to the head of the church (behind the main alter) where I would pray with others at the shrine of Mary.

On the fourth or fifth consecutive day of going to St Patrick's, I entered one of the pews on the north side of the church. While mass was going on I knelt down and began to pray.

After I finished my initial prayers, I began to talk to God. No not one of those two way conversations that some people would certify me as psychologically "nuts" just those kind of thoughts about things we need help with or hope for in order to make ourselves and the world a better place.

At one point in this prayer/meditation, I simply said, "God, I can't do this anymore. I can't make any more decisions. I give up! I put my life in your hands."

I wish I could explain this in better detail. Over the last twelve years I've never been able to find the words to communicate the physical and mental experience, which happened after I let go.

Upon letting go, there was a bolt of energy, which began at my toes and rifled upward throughout my body. It exploded out the top of my head like a bolt of lighting. As this "energy" traveled upward it was like every cell in my body was energized. The best I can explain it was like the pins and needles one gets, but this was far from being uncomfortable. The experience lasted probably only a second or two, but after it left my body I was left with this euphoria. Almost feeling like I was floating.

Every pain, every frustration, every mental disparity I had been carrying with me, had been ripped from my being at the singular moment. As I left the church, I had a feeling of clarity, focus, and comfort. All my hate, all my anger, all my desperation was replaced with happiness, love, and sense of hope.

Within two years of this moment, my life had been given the love of my wife and a year later the first of three children. As for the work, the business turned around and all those in the initial startup have done well for themselves.

My prayers were answered!

I wonder has anyone experienced what I felt that day? I'm sure some in the medical community have some neuro/psycho/chemical thing that happened that day... Maybe so/Maybe Not! Regardless... It was amazing! Faith and hope are wonderful virtues.

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Comments about this spiritual experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, dfrank70, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Denise (guest)
4 weeks ago (2025-01-04)
Wow I forgot this post existed. Back in 2016 I went to Cambodia for a mission trip, we traveled into the slums and were praying over people. I didn't grow up Christian and I didn't know how to pray except to speak from my heart and speak to God. The entire group I was with were encouraged to pray for this family in the slums and we all connected. I closed my eyes and suddenly I felt the exact same electric feeling starting at my feet and moving out of my hands into the man I hand my hand on. It was jolts of electricity and in that moment I knew there was something greater in the room. I believe it was the Holy Spirit. I came back home to the US questioning my experience and tried to find anything online and this is what I had found. It confirmed to me that I wasn't alone. I bookmarked this page back then and now I get to see it again:) I'm so thankful you shared here.
Michele (guest)
1 year ago (2023-10-24)
I have had a similar experience, I was told by a church person to read some passages by myself and as I was doing so I suddenly felt like my body was not solid as a (what I am going to call a finger) went through me and touched my heart it felt wonderful only for a few seconds I was very surprised when it happened.
Roslyn (guest)
4 years ago (2021-03-17)
I've had electricity go through my whole body and also a big white light go through me- all in 2020:)) ) I love my Lord, Jesus Christ!
aways seeking (guest)
4 years ago (2020-12-23)
I had a simular expierence many years ago. I was going through a divorce. At the time I was 29 years old. I had never felt so low during that time. I had been taught about God but I had never had or knew you could have an encounter with God. One night in my despair I cried out to God and let go. What happen next to me seemed like being blind and then being able to see for the first time. I felt Jesus presence in the room, me kneeling, him standing in front of me. I could feel his hands on my head, and at that moment if felt a burst of energy bolt through me. As it filled me, all my pain was being drained away. I felt for the first time true peace, true joy. I soon realized this was the Holy Spirit in me. I felt this amazing feeling for almost 6 months. I've felt his presence many times after that, but that encounter will stay with me forever, until the day I leave this earth.! I'll be 72 in January.
Dawson Rodrigues (guest)
4 years ago (2020-11-01)
My testimony is very long. So this is the summury on my experiece. I had gone for the mid-night Christmas Mass at out church. Before the church service had started, someone came seraching for me. He kept asking everyone, "Have you seen Daswon, I have not meet him for such a long time, Do you know where he is. I want to meet him." So when he found me, he came towards me and offered me a hug with open arm. As soon as I hugged him, I got stuck at my place, unable to move and so were the people who were there with me. Then I was shatched to Heaven in Spirit, There were unusal things that I saw and enperienced in Heaven. I have written everything about my vision, "Hug From Heaven" in details on my website:, Details like where it happened, how it happend, what I saw in heaven, who I saw in heaven, what I experienced in heaven, what happened when I came back and what was the message that he gave me to tell everyone. After this amazing experience my life is not the same, It has completely changed. I also received a revelation about the real location of the Second Temple where jesus taught. It is not where we thought it would be. My testimony, HUG FROM HEAVEN, will change your life, Please visit:
Joyce (guest)
5 years ago (2020-04-23)
Thank you everyone for validating the most amazing and disturbing experience possible... Amazing because you were in the Presence of God or God revealed Himself to you!

Disturbing because you were then sent back to live in this world and have since experienced intense feelings of suffering, isolation, not fitting in anymore, etc... In addition, there's an inner awakening to. Greater Spirit and a sorrow and longing for the Light... You can feel the moaning of your soul because she's seen God and now wants to go Home. The world is tasteless

I experienced the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in a miraculous way, three days after my beloved son committed suicide, I was at the communion rail and upon receiving the Host was brought into the most dazzling, loving light... Total out of body experience... Saw the gate of Heaven open and a vapor ascend... I now know that was the precious soul of Gregory... God was showing me the greatest gift!

God our Comforter!

And then so suddenly, the most powerful, rushing wind overpowered me and the vision snapped shut, and I was literally thrown 20 ft backwards crying into a line of people getting communion..., weeping, did you see that? Did you feel that?

Today, five years later, I'm so in love with Christ I find it impossibly painful to live here because my heart feels such compassion for the poor and suffering. Yet, I weep at a sunset because the Lord loves me so. That's the Holy Spirit

I write poems to my Beloved and give my life everyday to the Lord
May we all meet at the foot of the cross.
Blessed be Jesus Christ 🙏
Lori (guest)
5 years ago (2020-04-05)
I had a holyspirit experience. I felt ablaze! All Christians should supplication to the Lord, he will answer your prayers. We are coming to the end of days. He wants to use you.
Ronnie (guest)
5 years ago (2020-03-25)
my life as a child was not a good one. My father was absentee except on weekends when all my transgressions were handled by a belt or switch from the previous week. As a youth of 12 I developed a good healthy relationship with John barley corn. My parents were Catholic and I was an alter boy. The things that went on were no very nice so the alcohol helped. Of course it didn't stop there were bad bosses, bad jobs for 37 years. 20 years ago march 13 I came to A.A. And my life changed when I got down on my knees and said Lord i'm done. Inside of a month through a.a. I never touched drink again. I was working, had two businesses and that's when the pills got me. 8 years worth of self medicating. I managed to shake loose 9 years ago and at time I knew the Lord had a purpose for me. My wife and I both decided to be baptized. We were by a preacher and his wife in a back yard small pool. But something was still missing. I knew lots about the Bible and spoke with people who knew the Bible. My mentor passes about 5 years ago. Since that time in my evening prayer I asked my maker to give me health, knowledge and a desire to help other people. Just today I was listening to a gospel quartet non my computer. Half way though the piece I felt this very warm light enter me and fill me with itself. This only lasted a second and then it was gone. I couldn't stop crying until the song had ended. My wife thinks I have received the Holy spirit. But for the life of me I don't know what I am supposed to do. I am almost 69 years. What would the Holy spirit want with and old man I wonder.
JJ (guest)
5 years ago (2020-03-19)
In August 1977 I too had an experience with the Holy Spirit. I was 23 and raised Catholic. I was just out of college and struggling with what I was going to do with my life. I was selling insurance and one night went to visit a Baptist minister who wanted some life insurance. After our meeting he asked if I would like to share some Bible verses. I agreed to and we were reading from John when all of a sudden I stopped and this warm sensation entered the top of my head and slowly moved throughout my entire body and out my toes. The experience lasted around 5 minutes and afterwards I had such a feeling of peace and love. All my anxiety and apprehension was gone and I was crying like a baby. The minister was amazed and asked me of my experience. I shared it with him but then felt the need to go. I returned home and stayed in my house for three days pondering my experience. A year later I joined the Air Force, flew jets for 22 years and had a great career with the Department of Defense for over 40 years. I thank God always for this gift I was given.
mel (guest)
5 years ago (2020-02-23)
i had a spiritual experience today that I am still trying to explain... I was busy this. Morning doinh some spiritu prayers and just release myself in faith to God by worship him. So when I was whorshipping God it felt my whole body was outside myself my hands felt numb and could not move with this breeze of wind coming over my hands, I could feel the holy spirit moving upon me so undescribeable... Anf so overwhelming... After that my whole body felt numb and I felt so peaceful... I went to bathroom and when I looked in the mirror I could see myself like really in my eyes (not my reflection) so clearly and my eyes was sparkling... Its really unbelieveable something I never felt before... Can someone make sense of this... But even now I feel so calm
tdcabal46 (1 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-03)
My experience was similar. But, I will say that God healed me from night terrors as a young girl. These were serious attacks from Satan so I knew God was real. I struggled with wanting him to save me but not making him my Lord overtime as I got older. After many major screw ups I was at a very low place in my life. I gave up and gave into God completely. Many major things happened but I literally experienced the rebirth. It was like my life revealed to me over time and how God was there. Like all of these moments I forgot just filling up my thoughts. But, with that I HEARD ministering for 3 solid days and nights. I felt so much peace and life! I experienced a walk in the Spirit. Like He was telling me things like His love as a father for his child. I also saw evil in a few people. Like pure demonic darkness. So many things have happened ever since. Like I can feel spirits at times and one time I heard a person's thought. This all sounds crazy but God is real and I love Him so much. He is my very best friend. Your experiences are such a blessing. You KNOW Him! I wish everyone did.
Martin (guest)
5 years ago (2019-09-17)
I just had a similar experience. St
Patricks in Texas. I felt something for sure. A heavy burden lifted. Extreme bliss and peace overcame my body. THE LORD IS REAL! Peace be with all who follow. AMEN!
LibbyKitty (guest)
5 years ago (2019-08-24)
I had an experience while singing to God and the Universe. My eyes were closed and I saw a flash of white light behind them then I felt a gust of wind. I get that often, the breeze going past me, but the white light I have only seen in dreams. I have been waiting on my house closing (its been 6 months) and this was validation that everything will fall into place. I feel light and I can't stop smiling.
OF (guest)
6 years ago (2019-07-22)
Here is my testimony. I never went to church when I was young, I was having too much empty fun being a sinner. God forgive me, for I started going to church because I wanted my girlfriend to get off my case. It turned out that I actually learned a lot, repented of my sins and learned to pray. One day while I was praying I felt like going towards the front of the church and continued praying. I felt a mild electrical shock, sort of a static shock that you receive when you rub a balloon on your hair or when you drag your feet on the carpet and touch something afterwards. I looked down to my feet and saw there was carpet so I thought that must have been it. I continued praying and I felt it again, but this time it was a bit more intense, not really hurting me, but I could feel as if sparks of electricity were arching around and bouncing from the carpet to my feet and pass right through my boots. This was all invisible, I think it was because my eyes were closed and frankly I was too scared to open them, but in my mind I could see this electrical storm display around my feet. Suddenly the sparks ceased and I hope I can explain this correctly, I felt as if I was made out of glass and a warm pure liquid was being poured into me, but the liquid was not coming from above as you would normally fill a glass with lemonade, Rather this liquid of warmth and peace was filling me from the bottom up. I liked the sensation, so I just kept my eyes closed and allowed it to happen. Slowly the sensation filled my feet, up to my ankles, my knees, my thighs and it kept going up to my navel. I wanted to get completely filled, but it stopped right at navel height. I don't remember it coming out of my head like other people describe it here. I don't know why I didn't get completely filled, but it felt great. I've also only shared this with close family, but I wanted to share it here so more people know that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are real. Peace be with you.
Barry Stephen Whitmore (guest)
6 years ago (2019-06-23)
My Mother and me were at a Service in Tallahassee and the Preacher called on the Holy Spirit to come into the and heal the congregation.
When he did my Mother began speaking in tounges a d I felt like warm water was being poured over my head. Ever since that Sunday the Holy Spirit is always with Me in my life.
I too was raised Catholic and was an Alter boy. I now go to a Church here where I live that is non Denominal and can feel the Holy Spirit in the Church when Dr. Larry Linkious is preaching the Holy Gospel.
alvinjadamsjr (guest)
6 years ago (2019-06-18)
I just read you experience with the holy spirit... I believe it is a great source of energy... And now me... Help me understand... Sleeping on the sofa... I felt something touching me on my forehead... Eyes open... And hands were me on my forehead and I ask who are you and what do want... And looked and the person touching me was a man... In a sparking gold robe... Long hair and no face... And said nothing... But I knew he was looking at me... And was telling me something... And stayed walked a little closer and he was gone... Now I met Mary Jesus mother... Walked she was standing next to me as we talked she held her hand out and touched her palm... And said... GOD GAVE YOU A TALENT GO OUT AND USE IT... She held out her hand to me to shake my hand and I reached her hand and she said oh I am Mary... And she was gone walked away... I have seen the dead... Angles floating angles...etc... What is going on...
JS (guest)
6 years ago (2019-06-17)
I have had 2 Holy Spirit moments and 1 God moment. The 1st was over 10 years ago. I didn't realize it at the time, but I was battling depression. I was in a dark place and felt very hateful and angry. It was ongoing for several months. Finally, 1 night I prayed as sincerely as I knew how that God would take this deep dark angry hateful feeling from me, then I went to bed. While I was sleeping I felt a hand touch my head, I then realized I was in the twilight stage of consciousness. As the hand gently touched my head I felt this energy rush through my body and out the top of my head like a massive rushing wind. Almost like jumping out of a plane. It lasted a few seconds & was gone. I Immediately awoke and felt 10x better. I instantly felt like I was touched by the hand of God.

This feeling lasted for several years. Then about 2 years ago, I began to feel very depressed again. Not angry or hateful anymore, just down and unexcited about life. Disconnected completely. I was as low as I had ever been. I was in church and the the congregation has about 1,000 members. I was in the back left corner at the end of the aisle. The pastor walked up after worship singing ended and said "Before I start my sermon I want to say that God has put it on my heart that somebody in the area (he then pointed to my section and looked right at me) needs to know that God loves them and everything is going to be ok".

I started to cry and had to excuse myself to the bathroom. Later that week I saw a DR. For the 1st time for depression and he prescribed me meds that have helped me considerably.

My final experience occurred last night. Even though I am on meds I still get periodic "lows" from time to time and have felt in a funk over the past 2 months or so. Not nearly as bad as before I was on meds, but disconnected again. Distant, lonely. I also have been doubting my faith with all the secular nonsense that goes on in society I have been questioning at times if God is real or am I just wishful thinking. I showered before bed and prayed sincerely that God would renew and restore my faith in him and belief in Christ as my Lord and Savior. I slept I suddenly got into that twilight of consciousness again and suddenly John 3:16 was on my brain. I then felt a tremendous urge to look at the clock on my nightstand. The clock read 3:16. I can only say that I believe God was directly telling me that yes, JC is real and he died for you.

Today I feel renewed and my faith is as strong as it has ever been.
Alili (guest)
6 years ago (2019-06-08)
Wow. I am so thankful for this thread and all of the experiences shared. God is so GOOD to us all the time. Although a long time Christian - While going through an incredibly abrupt relationship ending God has given me strength, peace & so much love as I pray for the fruits of the spirit daily. At a worship concert last night I literally felt a burst of pure love and light come up through my feet and burst out through my heart in something so incredibly magical only people on this thread could understand. The burst was pure light and love and peace and in that moment I knew the Holy Spirit was with me & so happy I was there in worship. It brings me to tears of pure joy just thinking about it. What a beautiful blessing we have been given to experience the Holy Spirit. Be blessed friends. God is with us!
kathleen taylor (guest)
6 years ago (2019-06-01)
I was at a low point in my walk with God, this was the very first time since accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior there was no response from God, I was so used to praying and immediately I'd feel the Holy Spirit pour his love over me and surround me in such a way that I know that I am so Loved as his child. Before this event, I was already being led to people on the streets or in stores or in restaurants to speak words of knowledge to them. So you can imagine being led by the Holy Spirit to this point of no communication with him, I could handle loosing friends but when I felt he left me, I couldn't deal with this! Well at this point, even people I thought were my Christian friends turned their backs on me and I lost all my friends, did no longer receive confirmation from God that he even heard me as I'd cry out to him. I kept saying, God where are you, you said you'd never leave me nor forsake me, then I got woke about 3-4 am and started praying about people who I meet while out witnessing and in that half asleep moment, I was arrested fully awake and more alert than I have ever been in my life and felt as if my entire body had been filled with electrical currents that radiated power as it traveled in my body, then it traveled down my arms and shot out of both hands. I literally felt it leave through my hands, shot out of both hands. I lay there praising God, everything in me knew that it was the Holy Spirit,,, I took a while to recover and kept thanking God and finally said Lord, that was so much power, would I have been able to walk around feeling that powerful or would I just die? Then I said, Lord can you do that again? He did it again,,, same way filled me as if struck by lightning and radiating the powerful currents as it traveled, then it left traveling down both my arms and shot out of my hands,,, I felt the electrical current literally shoot out of both hands! I am so greatful I have found others who had the same experience, no one else really understands it, nor believes that it even happened! Not even my family! I do believe that my gift is in healing, I've wondered if this was a Divine notification? Every scripture concerning healing speaks to my heart! This happened in April 2018
GodsChild (guest)
6 years ago (2019-03-31)
MT) that was so unbelievable to hear! I have had multiple times where I too, get the same electric shocks through out my body but last month, I experienced the same exact thing! It was [at] the same time maybe 3-4am and I woke up to this electrifying force so powerful that I too, sat up like someone pulled me up& I was in a deep sleep so it's just so amazing to know that I'm not alone& other people are getting touched by our beautiful Abba Father! God bless you all brothers and sisters! Christ is coming!
Mb (guest)
6 years ago (2019-03-18)
Im wondering if anyone has had similar expireces... Since apx 9 years old I was tortured at school daily to the point of suicide. It lasted several years but apx at the age of 13 or 14 I was about to end my life I felt an overwhelming sensation. I herd a voice tell me they love me... Thats all I herd and tears poured nd poured down my face. For a moment (this has happened several occassions) I feel as if someone is entering my body briefly and ALWAYS rubs my head and I hear the words "marianne I love you" and tear pour and pour and pour to the point its hard to breathe. I have almost lost my life on several occasions there is no denial that he is with me and angels are here but is it possible and has anyone expireced the spirit rubing their head through their own hands?
Laura (guest)
6 years ago (2019-02-06)
What an amazing experience. I think I recently experienced the same, it happens when I pray at night when I am going to bed. I get waves of what I can only describe as electricity running through my body. I have recently found the Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ.

I was in a bit of a low place recently as I've been woken up to what is actually going on in the world and I think there is a mass spiritual awakening going on around the world for Jesus' soon return. I would ask that everyone opens and softens their hearts to the most high it is a liberating feeling. I can't tell you how important it is.

This is coming from someone who was not religious in any way until recently, as a child I loved God but I think in today's society the truth gets lost along the way I am so lucky to have been woken up. Have faith everyone. God bless you all x
MT (guest)
6 years ago (2019-01-31)
Wow. It's crazy that this post was made over 10 years ago.
Something similar happened to me last night and I wasn't sure what to make of it. I googled "Holy Ghost" but couldn't find what I was looking for until I stumbled across your story. I guess the feeling I experienced was something divine.

I'm 22 years old. I was raised catholic but I hated going to church growing up. I remember when I first started working, I'd purposely work on Sunday's just to avoid going to church. I guess it was because of the hypocrisy I saw in people who I had gone to church with. Even in my family, my parents. Although I always knew that there was a God, something of higher power, I had still had doubts.
It wasn't like "Jesus isn't real. There's no such thing as a god."
It was more like, "can God hear me? Is he really there? Maybe he's too far."

I was going through some stuff with school and I just felt sad and depressed. Overwhelmed by everything in my life. I hadn't prayed or talked to God in a very long time and felt guilty that if I started to pray again, He would be upset at me. I knew that God was always there, that he would never leave us and he would listen. But something inside just made me not want to talk to Him about it. I thought that I could do things alone, without help. I didn't think that I was too good or anything. But it was more like, I can do it, it's okay, keep pushing through it. I was wrong. I think that no matter what you're going through, whether it's bad or good, you should always pray and thank God. That's where I was wrong. I hadn't prayed in so long that I felt guilty.
So last night was my breaking point. It was late, maybe 3am. I couldn't do it alone anymore and I cried so hard and started to pray. I told Him that I wasn't sure if he was listening, I'm not sure if He was there. I just talked about how I felt and what was going on in my life. I didn't ask for a sign or a message, nothing like that.
Suddenly I fell asleep, without finishing my prayer. I woke up after a few minutes and realized that I didn't finish my prayer say amen, so I did and I went back to sleep.

Maybe about 10-30 minutes later I was woken up by this electrifying shock. It was so powerful that it felt like I was sitting up in bed. As if something, someone was holding me up.
I knew it wasn't a dream because the electrifying waves that were going through my body happened 3 times. Back to back to back.
The first shock was the most powerful one. I felt this force pulling me closer to it. A strong embrace. It felt like Jesus was there, reaching out to me, letting me know that he's there and he hasn't forgotten about me. After the last wave of electric going through my body I went back fo sleep.

I woke up the next morning and I knew that God was there last night. Although I didn't ask for a sign from him in prayer, he was there and he reminded me that he's never too far. This experience was eye opening and I believe that it'll forever change my life.
Thank you so much for sharing your story.
Ron (guest)
6 years ago (2019-01-29)
What a terrific experience you had and so many others on this thread. I have been searching to see if others have experienced what I did once and I see that one of the other people responding had something vaguely similar. I was at a service at "Hatfield baptist" church, then meeting in a large tent at a disused drive-in movie theatre due to the massive growth it had had (in Pretoria, South Africa) and one of the pastors, Neville Norden, was preaching. At a stage, during the praise and worship, he said that he could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit powerfully there that evening and - if anyone wanted the power of the Spirit for ministry - they should raise both hands. I wanted that, and in an attitude of prayer, eyes closed, I raised both hands. To my shock I felt two strong hands grasp my wrists from above and I could feel the wrists above me. I felt this strong warmth and tingling go through me and opened my eyes, but there was nothing to see. That was long ago now, 1988, and nothing similar has ever happened again although I have seen miracles in my life. I am not in ministry, but have been wondering about other people having the same experience.
Mj (guest)
6 years ago (2019-01-28)
I have been having visions since I can remember and they have started getting more and more direct meaning I can understand them more now. Today while driving I have a warm somewhat hot electricity flow through my body that I was not able to say anything but only feel it slowly move from one side of my body to the other...
Nadia Sky (guest)
6 years ago (2019-01-17)
I have been searching for 25 years for someone whom has had the same experience as me. I too was in prayer and thanking Jesus and I asked him to give me a sign. A burst of energy whipped through my whole body and a bright light filled my eyes. I want that feeling back, but blessed to have experienced it at all. God led me to this website and for those whom will come across in the future GOD IS REAL! Be blessed!
Nabih (guest)
6 years ago (2019-01-15)
I had a similar experience during an intense 6 days of dry fast and prayers. On the 6th day, I felt a cold sensation engulfing my leg and traveling upwards while I was engaged in deep prayers with 5 other persons. The holy spirit is real people, JEHOVAH is real, and Yeshua is real. Never underestimate the power of prayer combined with faith, persistence and total surrender. I took it for granted for many years of my life, but my life has changed now that I accepted Yeshua. But you do not need to take my word, Get to know JEHOVAH for yourself. All you need to do is trust and believe, clear your heart and mind and pray. Don't gave up for it is a bit difficult at first. Persistence and faith are very important. GOD Bless you all.
Trung (guest)
6 years ago (2018-12-09)
Felt a white light of pure energy going through my body from the top of my head down through my body for 3-4 seconds that made me cry.

Occurred while in a group praying with pastor after singing praise songs. It was when I was around 23 ish and after a breakup with my long time girlfriend of 5 years. The breakup was hard for me and started to go to church on a regular basis and really enjoying the teachings. I was searching for the lord and truly believing in his words. I am not sure if it was the low point in my life but at that time I was very humble which ia was not common if you know me from afar. This event occurred when I let all my barriers and shields down and gave my mind and body to the lord. I remembered asking him to take me and asking him for forgiveness while the pastor was praying. With my eyes closed and praying while standing, I sense a white light just above my head. This white light full of energy rushed through my body with the sensation of cleaning or purging my body. The energy was so pure that I broke down crying in a youth group of around 40 teens and young adults. The pastor either sensed this or seen my crying and stopped the praying and took me in a room to continue praying. After this, I rejoin the main congregation and nobody mentioned a thing or made a big deal and everything was normal. I did tell my older brother who was 2 years older what happened since we was right next to me when this occurred and he along with the pastor said I was touched by the Holy Spirit. I will never forget that moment or feeling and am blessed to experience the Holy Spirit.
John Lefebure (guest)
6 years ago (2018-11-23)
The Holy Spirit is a real spiritual encounter with God, but it only happens when you surrender yourself to God after "believing" and calling for Jesus; to follow and take over in every aspect of your life. My spiritual encounter was falling on my knees in my lounge room and saying sorry to God and the feeling was exactly like the "Amazing Grace Song". You see for the very first time in my life, I actually prayed to God from the heart and called for help and He answered straight away. 3 days later the Holy Spirit entered my room when I was asleep but it was as though I had stepped into another spiritual realm. I could clearly see my wife sleeping next to me, I could hear my children moving around in their beds (separate rooms), I could hear the clock ticking away in the back room (where this is not normally possible as our bedroom is too far from the clock to hear anything), I could hear little animals on the trees outside and I could feel everything around me as though I was part of everything; as though I was being born and was about to land into a human body. The experience was quite amazing. But it doesn't end there! Through this experience I tried to get my wife's attention but could not; Only I could see what was happening to me and all the shouting and nudging at my wife would not do anything. And then the most beautiful thing happened. A beautiful large pillar of light moved across the room - from my doorway, to the window and then to my wife's side which is a very dark place of the room. The pillar was about 2 meters in diameter and moved across the room like the moon moves across the horizon. It was from the ground all the way to the ceiling and was like a powerful strong, majestic white but soft light - almost like a pillar of cloud and it was beautiful. It was not from this world, it was clearly from God. And then just to seal my experience, an arm of light came out of this pillar of light and my left arm was lifted up my itself as though my arm was no longer mine. And then an energy rush went through my entire body! The experience lasted for only about 2 or 3 seconds and is something I shall never ever forget. As soon as it had left me, I woke up and was then able to wake my wife and children (it was like a bomb went off in the room by my excitement). I said to my wife these words "do you know what just happened to me? This must be the Holy Spirit that I saw!" I said this with the biggest smile and had tears of joy running down from my face. Upon day break, I then asked my wife to get me a Bible to read and my life has since done a 360. I am not the same person I used to be and God the Father is with me every day. What I have achieved in the past 2 years - I could not have done alone and the people I have spoken to about God and Jesus has impacted them. I have become a very strong witness of God and feel as though Jesus lives inside me. So may things have happened to me since then, so many people of all walks of life have come in my path - as though God wants me to speak to them and each time I do speak, it is as though God designed it to happen. I have had so many visions and dreams that come true and God has also shown me both Heaven and Hell. It's all real brothers and sisters. The bible is spot on and makes so much sense. God bless to you all who are reading this. I have also written 2 articles on-line under LinkedIn. You can look me up if you like.
drummerken1 (1 stories) (2 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-18)
I had this exact thing happen to me... Asking Jesus into my heart all of a sudden from the tips of my toes a wave of electricity slowly went through my body out the top of my head... I felt totally different. Alot of feeling of love... We need to talk. I thought I was crazy and only told a few people and they looked at me like sure you did.
We need to talk.

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