I had a religious experience in which I saw God now you might think I'm crazy, but I believe that it was true and power. Now some of you might think I was high or something but I don't care. It was in the sometime in this year 2010 during winter I remember that because there was snow on the ground I went outside to have a cigarette (it was at night) when I looked up at the full moon and I notice something weird about it. There was this light going around the moon and it just kept moving in and it seemed like it being stretch like a hole in space time or something like that or whatever you want to call it and then out the corner of my I saw a cars taillight a flash of red light looked back up at the moon and saw a rainbow around the moon then I saw the purest light I have ever saw it was so pure it was unbelievable and then I saw his face. And it was good.
Now when I smoke weed I feel like god is talking to me and that I have all the answers when someone who doesn't believe me challenges my believe it just flows out. That's why for me smoking weed is good thing but please if YOU don't believe that don't look away on my story because it TRUE. I truly believe for me that smoking weed helps me communion with God and let's me hear and talk to him. But this night was different I was not high I was high the day before but if you look it up marijuana high only lasts a short time depending on how much you smoke.
😜 🤔
Smoking stuff like that for general people might cause a real negative side effects in the long run.