What is love? Love is the Total answer to everything. How is that possible? Simply because God is Love and He is the answer to every thing. Love is extremely difficult and in fact impossible except for one possibility. What is that? Help from the Holy Spirit. In other words help from God Himself. When God is allowed to live in my or your being without distraction, then and only then is real love possible. What is real Love?
Forgiving people who do you the utmost harm. People who are torturing you or much worse your child to death.
Jesus told us to do this but He too knew it would be impossible without His Spirit. This is why as Christians accepting Jesus into our hearts is not just a one time event. Oh Yes! There has to be a first time. There has to be a first time like taking the first step on a long and dangerous journey, but that first step does not get you straight to your destination. There have to be many other steps including many false ones until death.
Let me tell you a true story as I remember it being told to me in the late 1960s by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand in a meeting at St Helens Bishopsgate and can be corroborated in His book Tortured for Christ.
The Father of a young boy who was a Baptist Pastor was put into Prison by Communist authorities in Romania. He was tortured and eventually died. Then His mother against the wishes of the authorities took up the cause and she too was eventually imprisoned and tortured and died. Now all that was left of the family was the young son. This is what he did.
It was the anniversary for his dead mother's birthday. The young boy was extremely poor and living off help from neighbours. He went into the woods and picked a beautiful bunch of wild flowers. He managed to get entrance to inside the notorious prison of torture and death and by a kind of miracle was allowed to visit the office of the Camp Commandant. The villain was sitting with his legs up on the desk smoking a cigar. The young boy smilingly approached and presented the flowers to the commandant and said something like the following. "It is my mother's birthday. As you well know she and my father are dead and so I cannot give these flowers to them so I picked them for your wife". There was a stunned silence and slowly tears began to fill the eyes of the Commandant. The man experienced a conversion and was soon in Prison and he too ended up being tortured to death for Christ. There is much more to the story but it is a typical Christian Martyr story which has been repeated thousands of times down through History.
Love is True religion. True religion is only possible with allowing the Spirit of God free full time access to the human soul. Most of us are only capable of this in momentary bursts. Sadly we so easily get our sights back on the world all around us and we are swamped, side tracked and overcome. That is why keeping up the walk with Christ is so important and is a moment by moment experience without let up.
This also explains why Christians even with the best intentions have serious lapses and fall into sin and end up being a bad example. Thank God for Jesus who took my and your punishment for our sins on Calvary's cross.
I prefer gender neutral language because I can see christ operates through women
Goddess operates through women or love if you will
I don't think blaming women for all the wars men started is fair
Especially when women get blamed from the very beginning in genesis
Might be better to say "someone disobeyed the spirit of love when tempted by the evil one and sought knowledge that got them into trouble and they shared this with their counterpart"
And then go back and stick a flower in the mouth of the serpent and say shut up
Or just ignore it
Who are we to tell other peoples serpents what to do, it doesn't like that...
Unless it bites your heel let it slither away