Over the last year I have had a sudden interest in learning more about God and Jesus Christ. I don't know where this interest came from. My family is not openly spiritual, none of my friends are openly spiritual and I've never attended church! For some reason I've been listening to my internal thoughts and feelings and I've felt like something was missing from me, like I was incomplete. I soon developed this deep desire to be more fulfilled and learn more about God.
I have realized God truly does exist. I am writing today to share with you some instances which I have prayed to God and He has always come to my aid. I use to think these things only happened to religious people, but I'm proof that it can happen to anybody!
The first time I prayed to God was just to talk. It was about nothing in particular, except to start communicating with Him. In fact, I asked for some kind of confirmation He existed and was listening. I suddenly got this fantastic and unexplainable feeling within me which was so overwhelming that I just couldn't contain it - I began to cry. After praying, I remember sitting and thinking "What just happened to me?". From my first prayer, God had me hooked! ;)
From there on, I decided to talk to God about all sorts of things because I just wanted somebody to listen. One day, I was feeling so overwhelmed with my new job as a primary school teacher that I was sick and tired of my mind constantly being on the go. I couldn't relax. I was stressed, tired and frustrated. On day I was bawling my eyes and I expressed my concerns to God. I asked Him to just help me get all my thoughts out of my mind. I wished so hard my thoughts would just disappear so I could relax. Suddenly, my mind went blank. For a few long seconds, I actually had an empty mind. Nothing. Not a thought, not a worry. My mind was literally still and quiet. I'd never felt that way before! I got the biggest smile on my face and thanked God for his help.
Another instance is when I was dreading teaching a particular class. This class I dreaded had many students with behavioral difficulties - one student would pick up chairs and throw them at other students. He was out of control most of the time. In my first week of teaching, I told God I didn't feel comfortable being in the classroom when the student has one of his episodes. I felt inexperienced and wanted adult help. I prayed never to be left alone without another adult when he began to 'attack' objects and people around him. One day, the student began to get restless and began hitting people with his ruler. He started to get angry and wouldn't cooperate. He got up out of his chair and I began to worry. Suddenly, a teacher's aid knocked on the classroom door and said "I was meant to be helping the class next door, but they're not there. I don't know where they are. Is there anything I can help you with?". I was shocked, yet so pleased! The teacher's aid assisted me and whilst the child was running amok in the classroom, I quietly thanked God for His assistance.
Lastly, within recent weeks my partner and I were going through financial difficulties. We've been saving for a car, wedding and a house deposit, only to be hit with massive bills. I asked God to help us get the money we need to get through that tough period. Just two weeks later, we got our tax return back - and it was $3,000 MORE than we anticipated! We had just enough to get us through! I thanked God so much that night.
As you can see, these are just a few reasons why I believe God exists and how he has helped me. I don't go to church, I don't study the Bible and I don't preach to people. I do not regularly pray, but when I do God doesn't let me down. I talk to God when I want to, when I am driving, in the shower and even at work... And he always listens. My partner is not a big believer in God and I must admit, it's hard seeing him be a non-believer because he has no idea what he is missing out on!
Have any of you had similar experiences where your prayers have been answered? Please let me know. I am completely interested in hearing about them.