When I was a small girl, my father who was a migrant worker decided to place me in a covent because he couldn't take of me. So I stayed there for a little while before he came to get me. In growing up I wanted to be a nun. As I grew up things happened and I knew it was not my calling.
Over the years bad things seemed to happen. I grew away from God blaming him for everything. I drank a lot and finally was made to go to a substance abuse class. I also went to jail for 30 days. When I was going to my classes the therapist gave us direction to meditate and in this time I felt the presence of God that he was in front of me and I was off the floor floating.
I reached out to place my hand in his and I hesitated and pulled back for an instant and then I put out my hand again and placed my hand in his. I began to cry. I opened my eyes and wiped away my tears and smiled. When I picked my head I looked over to another person sitting by me and was still smiling at him. He looked at me in amazement and put his head down. When the therapist asked of session to the person sitting by me he replied that in that moment he had looked at me he seen I light around me and that he felt something he couldn't explain.
I feel his presence with me even though the bad things. I have a 2 year old grand daughter who needs a liver transplant and I pray every day for her that she will survive another day.
God bless!