I have been a pain patient for ten years now, but 4 years ago I had had enough. I called out to God in frustration, crying that I couldn't take it anymore, and that I was going to take my own life. Being a spiritual person I asked God for a sign if he did not want me to follow through with it.
About 20 minute later I went out back to have a smoke and this beautiful orb the size of a basketball came floating towards me! It was so beautiful, so hard to describe... Beautiful currents of colors, swirling inside it. I just sat there stunned. After about a minute or so it started floating away from me and started ascending in front of a pine tree. As it ascended, it started fading. When it reached to top of the tree, I could barely see it. Now I blinked for a second and it was gone!
And just above the tree was the largest star ever! It soared across the sky to the south and I never saw it again. Later that night I went back out and in the same tree was this small red orb, it was like it had its own power source inside it (like the ones the astronauts describe seeing). Not thinking I said 'hi' and it ducked away like it was trying not to be seen! It just sat there for the longest time. I started to get scared and closed my eyes in silent prayer, when I opened my eyes it was gone.
A spiritual adviser told me that I was visited by my guardian angel (who would not engage me unless I did first). And the red orb was a ufo looking to see why an angel would come and show themself... Cool huh.