The world is a gift. I know that. The light hath shone upon me and I embrace the rays of goodness. Yesterday I was driving, as I do on any other day. And I saw a deer in the road. I stopped and we exchanged looks. Animal magnetism radiating its spiritual presence.
I can't express how that moment happened. It seemed to last for an hour, but, in fact, it was merely a few seconds. But I knew, right then and there, the feeling of the beginning, the great beginning, and the end, all in the same moment. And it was good. It was full.
I drove away with a renewed sense of life. I knew there was purpose to this world like I had never known before. And I knew that it was time to embrace that spirit within me. Within you. Within all life.
I went home and baked two dozen cookies and decided to go out into the neighborhood and visit neighbors I had not talked with in months. It was a great feeling. We caught up on all the meaningful little things. Joe's son is now a junior at Cornell. Sally's garden is turning out wonderful eggplants. Bill's boat is almost ready to go back out on the river and he's taking me along.
It only took a moment of spiritual connection to inspire deeper human connections. It only took a recognition that life is only full when it's full of spirituality.