I shall start this off, with a sentimental introduction. I have been a tremendous believer in God, and a Christian (rebirth) for a few years now. I was saved a few years ago, and on more then one occasion. I believe rebirth is the most beautiful thing God has ever created. God has chosen me, to share this Heaven & Hell experience with everyone I came in contact with. He told me to stay confident. I must tell everyone now, that God's children, their spirits, do have a grand awaiting, palace. This exactly what I am going to share.
I had a vision recently today, that I went to Hell, and lifted up to Heaven. The first events that happened were, I was taken down through darkness, and despair. The cries, and the smells of sulfur were incredibly frightening. I was taken upon some demons who were at least 10 to 12ft tall. They would oversee me, with hate, and disgust. I could feel my breath very weak. One of the demons prepared to speak to me, but started in English, but it had so much hate he would swear at me in tongues. I started to scream at him, "In the name of Jesus! Please take me away from this horrible place!" and "You can not touch me!" The demon started to throw fire at me, but God blocked pain from the overbearing flames. I was then lifted up quickly by Angels, who were fighting their way away from the Demons. We flew up towards this vivid light, then I could see Earth, and how round and big, and gigantic it was. By the time I knew it, I had Angels over 8ft tall peering down at me. They were wearing glowing, armor, and were surrounded by light. There was 3 other Angels standing before some tall, chairs. The chairs looked as if they were made of Gold, or beautiful stones. They all seemed to be male in appearance. They began to ask me questions, about my Faith, what my distractions are in life, and what I should fix. They told me, "God gave us permission to share this with everyone. We want you to be our messenger." I was thinking to myself, "Why me?" They wanted me to let everyone know that Heaven and Hell is real. Well, I'm about to say it. Heaven and Hell is very real. I visioned it with my own eyes. I believe the three tall Angels standing among me were the Archangel's. Angels are the most gentle creatures that God has ever created.
There is so much peace in Heaven. The Angel that took me up from Hell would not tell me his name. But, I was chosen to pass this vision & experience on to people who are believers, disbelievers. If I could replay it back to everybody I would. Heaven holds a purpose for those who have a personal relationship with Him. He loves all of us.
All that you have described is very true.
Those tall demons were prison guards. They hate humans and God very much.
Do you remember anything more about the Angels that you saw? Most Angels are over 7ft. However the 4 Archangel Brothers are well over 12ft.
Some Angels may not give their name because they may not trust us, unless God permits them to do so.
God Bless