My Name is Hannah and this happened to me when I was about 12 or 11. I became very interested in angels, spirits, and Gods works. I found out that every human being has a guardian angel and I got all excited and I learned how to contact mine. I was sitting on my bed praying to God and to my Guardian angel. I asked him/her to give me a sign if they are there now, let me tell you, I was very scared because I didn't know what would happen and I also heard that demon could disguise themselves as angels and I didn't want that.
While I was in my bed praying I felt a presence with me in the room, but I was in the room all alone. The presence was warm and happy but for some reason I got very scared and I stopped and right after I stopped, the presence went away. My cousin, brother, and 3 of my sisters did this and they said it worked for them. My cousin said she was touched and when she came to tell me, she was giggling with the a smile on her face but she was a little shaky. My brother who did it said he was touched lightly and both of my sisters just felt a presence, but I'm not sure if I'm just over reacting. I have asked my guardian angel to give me more signs like a feather or for him/her to tell me their name but nothing happens, so I decided to leave the topic about guardian angels but I was still interested.
Ever since I gave up it has been so hard for me to believe in them again. How can I know if it was and actual angel or just my imagination?