I am from Baton Rouge, LA. I was 18 years old at the time and I just graduated from high school. At this time of my life I was lost and didn't have much direction. A stranger appeared out of no where and came to me and said god has a plan for you, your life is going to bigger than baton rouge and you have a bigger purpose than that. I asked him how did he know this, he said he knew it because I was special.
He also said to me that I was going to possess so much material things and that my family won't have to work anymore. I asked him what he does for a living, he said he's an executive, he owns companies in Baltimore. He sent me an e-mail, with a picture of him when he was a baby, he had beautiful purple eyes. The next day I went to see the picture, the e-mail was gone. All of my e-mails were there except that one. I researched the companies he said he owned and they never existed.
Five years later, my life is exactly what he told me it was going be. I've landed a recording contract, I'm friends with celebrities, I'm able to drive sports cars and take trips around the world. How could he have known that? I feel blessed and I feel humble for that experience. It changed my life!