While meditating one day I found myself at a wonderful place it was nothing like I had ever seen before. I was on a beach that was just perfect in every way. The sand met the water just perfectly. The sky was perfect. There was what seemed to be a rather large planet or moon to the left of me. All the while seemly to be so close it was almost in the water. It was all in orangey hues so vividly orange, nothing like I had ever seen here on earth before. Just breath akingly beautiful.
I remember looking to the left and seen my father coming toward me. He wasn't in a physical form but I knew it was him. He was more of a glow than anything. We walked along the beach hand in hand and talked for a good while enjoying our time as if they where no limit on our visit just enjoying each others company. Next thing I knew we where up in the air flying around like two children playing and having the time of there lives. It was fun and we were so happy, again neither of us where in human form but we where there, we used telepathy to speak. No words ever came from our mouths.
After we played and flew around just having a good time I remember his hands lowering me down by my fingertips back to my body. He never said goodbye, it was more like a mutual feeling of I will see you later. I opened my eyes and just sat here and cried. My Dad had passed in 1991 and I have grieved myself to death over him, I have let it eat at me all these years. Its 2010, finally some comfort... I knew it was my Dad. It was about time I was allowed a visit with him... Now I find myself sad once more. Its been 6 months since our visit I haven't been able to astral travel since then.
Maybe it was an experience of a lifetime. I'm not really sure. Once you have a taste of this you want more and more... Astral travel is wonderful its sets you free from all. Has anyone had a visit with there parents? If so was it only once?