My name is Jason, I am 14 years old and I have experienced bullying since the start of year 5. I am now in year 9 now.
For all those years I have been bullied, abused and violated by bullies. Usually just for the purpose of annoying me. It started to happen so much that the teachers that where at the scene of the bullying didn't even care anymore. I was once hit in the eye with a large rubber band. The teacher just looked at me then looked away. Soon I had begun to not even care what happened to me. Pain, emotion, I felt them, but I didn't care about them anymore.
The bullying increased again, but this time I didn't care about happened. I nearly got into a massive fight. At one time I was tied up with industrial strength wire and then had insults thrown at me. After that incident I began to feel depressed, I hadn't seen a doctor about it, but I knew the truth in my heart. After a while I just went with the flow of things, I copied the way people act; how they move, think and talk. Then I had finally gotten a girlfriend, but the trouble was that she was very far away from me.
So we used various Internet services to chat to one another. We met a couple times and I loved her dearly. The first true emotion I had felt for a long time. We kissed a couple times; she was reluctant to say that she loved me. After I time I began to wonder why. She then broke up with me because we were to far apart.
When she broke up with me, something very strange happened to my body. I got a headache, but not the usual headache; it felt as if my mind was growing, like it was evolving. The feeling stayed for a few seconds then my body went cold, I got Goosebumps over my body. I felt no emotions at all. It felt as is that part of me had died to give way for something else. Whatever it was, was quickly taking over my body. I let the thing do its work. After that had finished. I just went silent. My mind was racing with words, some words I didn't even understand. That night I slept with no emotions; I wasn't sad, angry or depressed. Then I knew I'd never be the same again.