About a month ago while I was driving home from a Narcotics Anonymous meeting the most amazing thing happened. It was as if time had stopped and my body went numb, although I was still driving. I began repeating "everything is one" over and over again out of nowhere. This amazing feeling continued for about a minute until I pulled in my driveway. Little did I know that this was just the beginning.
The next night I prayed to "whatever could hear me" and I admitted that I knew nothing. I had no idea why I was alive, or why I survived serious drug addiction when I should've died so many times. I was basically admitting that I knew nothing and really desired to find truth. This is after a few months clean from drugs and dabbling in religion and spirituality. Suddenly during prayer I started having incredibly vivid visions. I later found out that I had just opened my 3rd eye chakra. I felt amazing and all my senses were heightened. I got up and looked in the mirror and I could see my aura and it was beautiful. I started crying and laughing at the same time and I knew that life was never going to be the same, and it hasn't. I have gone from spiritually dead to truly alive. Also, I see auras around everyone now.
Every single day I learn something knew and at the same time I am unlearning if that makes any sense. I guess I am just realizing that much of what I have been taught throughout life doesn't matter or isn't true. I feel that ANYONE could have similar experiences if they let go of ego and identifying with the past. At least that's what it took for me. I am currently attending narcotics anonymous meetings on a regular basis and I'm trying to apply the spiritual principles behind the 12 steps to the best of my abilities. Part of the reason I go to meetings is because I want to help other so-called "hopeless drug addicts" the way I was helped. Just a year ago I could not have imagined feeling the way I do today or being spiritual or having the optimism I now have. I truly wish that everyone could have some off what I got. I feel like a little kid again as I find myself asking new questions everyday. I realize that life never has to be boring unless we make it boring. Just sharing this experience gives me a very joyous feeling.
The first step to a successful life is learning to see yourself for who and what you truly are.