Recently I have been trying to learn about spirituality and chakras, now I'm learning how to see and read auras, how to open my 3rd eye and be aware of stuff and people around me, in other words, I'm just seeking good guidance and wisdom, so I have been meditating and doing some yoga lately.
This morning around 7 or 8, I was lying in bed trying to sleep and then I felt some presence in the room like some floating shadows or lights, I didn't give it too much attention then I could feel something coming closer and closer and the shadow turned into yellow or amber, then I looked at the blinds on my window and I saw something that looked like an aura or something I don't know how to describe, but big and clear enough to notice, it had 4 - 5 colours, purple and pink were the clearest.
So I started staring at it, then a blue ball shaped light (wasn't exactly blue, it was kind fading from purple to blue) came out and was floating in the air, it was moving towards the centre of the room and getting bigger, then the light stopped in the centre for 3 seconds and started shrinking until it disappeared!
And to mention that I was feeling a tingle on my forehead close to my eyebrows which happened 3 or 4 times before while I was meditating on different days. I was scared because I didn't know what was that! Can anyone tell me what was that? What does it mean? What should I do if I see it again?