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Spiritual Quotes from Edgar Cayce
About Edgar Cayce
Edgar Cayce (March 18, 1877 – January 3, 1945) was an American who claimed psychic abilities. He claimed an ability to channel answers to questions on subjects such as health, astrology, reincarnation, and Atlantis while in trance. Although Cayce lived before the emergence of the New Age movement, he remains a major influence on its teachings.
Cayce became an American celebrity towards the end of his life and the publicity given to his prophecy has overshadowed what to him were usually considered the more important parts of his work such as healing (the vast majority of his readings were given for people who were sick) and theology (Cayce being a lifelong, devout member of the Disciples of Christ). Skeptics challenge Cayce's claim to psychic prowess, while conservative Christians also question his unorthodox answers on religious matters (such as reincarnation and akashic records). He may have been the source for the idea that California would fall into the ocean (though he never said exactly this).
Today there are several tens of thousands of Cayce students. Most are located in the United States and Canada, but Edgar Cayce Centers are now found in 25 other countries. The Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE), headquartered in Virginia Beach, is the major organization promoting interest in Cayce.
Source: Wikipedia Edgar Cayce

Spiritual Quotes
For, he that expects nothing shall not be disappointed, but he that expects much - if he lives and uses that in hand day by day - shall be full to running over.
The purpose of the heart is to know yourself to be yourself and yet one with God.
For until ye become as a savior, as a help to some soul that has lost hope, lost its way, ye do not fully comprehend the god within, the god without.
Love is qualified as an attribute of that force, power or influence known as God. Thus as man makes application of love in his daily experience, he finds God a personal God.
Be a light unto others, not boastful of self.
One who changes a body from the error of the way not only brings peace and harmony but saves a soul and covers a multitude of shortcomings.
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