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Spiritual Quotes from Shakti Gawain
About Shakti Gawain
Shakti Gawain (born 1948) is an author and proponent of what she calls "personal development". Her books have sold over 10 million copies. Gawain's best known book is "Creative Visualization". She has also written "Living in the Light", "Path of Transformation" and "Creating True Prosperity". She is the co-founder, with Marc Allen, of New World Library Publishing Company. Gawain is a passionate environmentalist, who believes that as we bring more awareness to our daily lives, we can learn to live in balance on our planet.
Source: Wikipedia Shakti Gawain

Spiritual Quotes
When we create something, we always create it first in a thought form. If we are basically positive in attitude, expecting and envisioning pleasure, satisfaction and happiness, we will attract and create people, situations, and events which conform to our positive expectations.
We will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own or other people's models, learn to be ourselves, and allow our natural channel to open.
Every time you don't follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness.
We don't have in our culture a healthy understanding and respect for the value of Being, which is simply being present in the moment, not trying to go somewhere, not trying to accomplish anything but, just present.
When I'm trusting and being myself as fully as possible, everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously.
The more we learn to operate in the world based on trust in our intuition, the stronger our channel will be and the more money we will have.
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