"Ask and it is given", "Knock and the door shall be opened", "Seek and ye shall find"... So I asked and I knocked and I seeked... And it was given. Yes, sweet Kundalini has eagerly spurred into action.
A little back story is, I feel, required here.
I always knew there is something bigger than us, something more. The concept of God that I had drilled into me, just didn't seem right. It was the Christian concept. Not 'wrong', just not 'right', for me.
So I got down to some hardcore knocking and seeking and asking. Which didn't lead me to a satisfactory conclusion until I was 20.
I overdosed on heroin and died five times. I was in a coma from September 1996 until end of December 1996. "This is strange", I thought, "I'm not me. Where have I gone?"
Anyway, fast forward 15 years or so of being lost. I was in a wheelchair, dependent on other people, being emotionally blackmailed on a daily basis. Being a Scorpio, I just couldn't handle it.
So I got down to some double hardcore asking and seeking and knocking.
Kundalini to the rescue!
I'm now not just Ed, I'm SuperEd!
Assertiveness, confidence, self-esteem, many many spiritual insights - it's all good!
I could talk endlessly about horrible symptom after horrible symptom, but there's no need. I enjoy them all immensely, since I know Kundalini has only my best interests at heart. Yes, I even enjoy the feeling of going insane - after all, I tell myself, it's the negative emotions being cleared (better out than your ankle, as my Dad is so fond of saying).
I knocked and the door was opened :o)