I guess it starts here. I was a photographer for the college yearbook and paper. I was invited by the local Intervarsity group to photograph a preacher who was to talk on campus. I had to sit through the entire sermon. I would have done it differently. After the sermon I was moved and heard a voice in my head saying, "You know what you have to do" OR something like that. I became a Christian and decided to follow God with all my heart. That first week there was a day where I had another unusual experience. My thoughts were on autopilot in a way. Like I was watching a movie. I seem to remember it being a very colorful experience. That has never happened like that since.
Since then I was always looking for some sort of manifestation of God's involvement in my life. My expectations were always too high in that regard. I was always wondering about supernatural experiences I had heard about; seeing angels and hearing voices. I wondered if that would ever happen to me. But no, just that one time at the beginning. That's OK. There will more to this story later.