Twas in July, 1966, I was going to work from my college classes when, seemingly from nowhere, a car appeared aAnd in the instant before we collided I had one thought. It was as if my father was telling me; "Mike, I told you how to live and now here you are dying and you've hardly begun to live." Thus began a profound transformation that has forever changed my life that scientists and researchers refuse to consider.
After the collision I found myself somewhere outside of my body watching the accident scene where I saw myself still sitting in my car bleeding from a head wound that caused a traumatic brain injury (TBI). During my three week stay in the hospital I began to have visions and memories of a long ago accident, at age 3, in which I also had a TBI. Though I've no recollection of the accident I've never forgotten watching from somewhere outside of my body as my father picked me up from the street and put me into his car.
After pondering this confusing situation for about two years, and lacking 9 sem hours to graduate, I dropped out of college and a promising business career in order to determine which of these divergent roads I should follow. Through the years I sought help solving my dilemma from family, friends and countless professionals but they've All abandoned me. Though I'm still seeking help from the many professionals to be found on the internet they all seem to be deathly afraid of my work.
So, my dilemma is that I'm now in the winter of my life and I have a lot of documentation that no one seems to want or value but this work has saved my sanity and my life and I know 'tis valuable to someone. Many people urged me to write a book but I abandoned that idea when I became so enchanted with my research I had no time to write a book. So, if I can't someone who will treat my work with the respect it deserves I'll soon destroy it because I'll not leave it in this upside-down world for these upside-down thinking professionals to pick apart. I know that I have enough documentation that will create a very important dialogue where people can openly express their thoughts and I can write my unwritten book through your discussion group. Michael Kelley