The night I was diagnosed with full blown Aids and 4th Stage colo-rectal cancer, a voice came to me! I was laying in the hospital and it was about 3am in the morning, I remember praying because of all the fear I was feeling, I was crying and asked "if there is a God or force in the universe please I'm really scared right now", and then all of a sudden the room became silent! I could see the nurses moving about but could hear nothing, and then this warmth came over me and I felt safe within it and then the voice I heard said "I'm with you always" it seemed I felt that something was holding me all warm and safe. And then it was over and I noticed the clock that 2 hours had gone by in a moment, from that moment I never felt fear again, nor did I feel I would die, even though I would become very sick for the next 2 years of treatment, I never had the thought of death, it's been 6 years since this happened, my life today is complete health! I go to a wonderful spiritual awareness center in my home town, and everyday the God of my understanding is working with me and all that I do. Up and until this event in my life I always just thought of God as a entity in the sky and never realized that God is within each and every one of us and that we play a part in all we are and do! It's a we thing and not something outside ourselves.
Life now is a happy existence for me everyday, not some fleeting feeling that comes and goes, it's all the time!