It was during one of our Monday night meditation classes that I experienced this. We were having a meditation of keeping balanced and centered in all ways. When I laid on my mat I had the urge to place my hands above my head, this soon changed to an urge to place my hands and arms straight out to my side.
The leader was guiding us through a meditation and asked that we look to the left and see the imbalances of sorrow and fear, and see the colors represented. She then had us look to the right and see the imbalances to the other side. My hands were perfect for this as I thought it was like a pendulum that swings from one side to the other.
Suddenly, I was at the cross. I was in the body of Christ as he was on the cross. I looked to my left and I saw others there with me, I looked to the right and saw others as well. I then looked down to the ground and saw all the people. As far as I could see I saw people, weeping and sorrowful for those on the cross. I suddenly was filled with an almost overwhelming sense of peace, a peace, I myself have never even dreamed possible.
I also was filled with such love, it was beyond any stirring I have ever had. I felt this love so strong to my very core. A sense of such peace and balance filled me. There was such an emotion of deep unconditional love, peace and total acceptance. I had no fear, no anger for those and what had happened. Just a deep love and understanding acceptance. I felt perfectly balanced and at one with the All.
This experience has given me a glimpse into the understanding, acceptance and total unconditional love that the One has for us. It matters not what we have done or will do. The love is unconditional and cannot be taken from us. We may separate ourselves from this love, but it does not separate from us. Ever.
And then to solidify my experience our Pastor at the Unity Church spoke the following Sunday, on you guessed it, being as Christ was... balanced. Now that is universal synchronicity at work. Thank-you God!