I'm a born again Christian, was baptized as a baby as well and over the last few months I have felt the holy spirit stronger then ever guiding me. From a young age I could sense things, heard voices when I was 8 years old. I was told it was bad so for quite a few years I buried the gift to sense things.
Lately its been amazing, but hard to digest everything I have been learning and going through. I have been doing a lot of research on the bible, and angels, and demonic forces in hopes to understand more. I can sense when spirits are around me, or if a person is sick or is possessed. I can also be talking with someone online I have never met and be able to tell them what they look like, or pull up random stuff about them.
I get a lot of symbolic dreams and visions, have in the past dreamed about the end times, people that were possessed that needed to be set free. Had vivid visions of people that had cried out for help before being killed or murdered. Also received a vision of me in a white skirt and had a white scarf flying from my neck, while on a horse with a hurt man, so hurt he was not aware of what was happening, that I held in my arms, praying over him as we rode like the wind almost flying over the ground, and had a strong feeling something evil was chasing us.
Also I have seen demonic figures that tried to scare me in my sleep, in those cases I always sat up in my dream and told the demonic figure to leave. I have felt the presence of angels, gods angels have an almost rose smell, and sometimes get vibes that bounce off my body and alert me to when something good or evil is in the room or near me.
I have just started to get 30 second visions normally symbolic in nature when awake, and talking with someone that needs help. The holy spirit showed me how to cast out demons in Jesus Christ's name, and evil spirits and I have helped a few people (by being a tool to god) these people were harassed by spirits that wanted to hurt them or by demons that wanted to destroy them.
In one case, I almost swear I heard a voice say "nothing is impossible in God" right after I had asked god if its possible to turn normal water into holy water. I prayed and asked god to turn normal water into holy water in order to help a boy, and he did! The boy reported feeling the water burn when it touched his skin, and that he felt sick and like he needed to cough, all signs of being possessed and normal for someone who is having the spirit or demon casted out of them.
I have also had times where I knew something was wrong or something was going to happen. Once I heard something whisper to me to go on line now and that someone needed my help. I at the time wanted to go to bed, as it was 3am and I thought do I have to! And it said NOW! So I went on line and sure enough the only person on had a spirit that was attacking them. I naturally asked god for strength and helped the boy. I can also sometimes feel what people I'm talking to are feeling, or feel a pain where they feel it.
All this sounds almost crazy to me but its so real. I have felt angels swoop down into my living room, to aid in getting rid of an evil spirit hanging around, and have felt Jesus's presence. This is all a lot to digest! Is there anyone else out there able to do the above who understands? I'm searching for answers, I'm on over load, having a hard time understanding everything or digesting it all.