Last night, after I woke up from a nap, I was lying in bed and didn't really want to get up. So I just sat there thinking about nothing in particular. For some reason, I started contemplating infinite. I imagined a marble rolling on a plane above me and was able to "see" it. Then it dissolved and I started shaking violently. Not my body though, which stayed still, but my spirit. This has happened once before, but I was dreaming. That time, I turned around inside my body and tried to leave it. I was unable to do so primarily because of this shaking experience. Shortly thereafter I woke up confused.
I don't know what happened and any insight would be much appreciated. I did not resist the experience, but let it happen. After it stopped, everythig seemed much crisper and more alive. However, I went to sleep not long after while doing breathing exercises so nothing much came of it. What I'm asking is basically what happened? I have had other spiritual experiences so it didn't really shock me, I almost expected it, but I don't know its signifcance.
Another I would like to know more about was a while back. Basically it was my spiritual awakening. I felt a layer of myself melt away inside of my skin from the top of my head down to my feet. It was incredible and I felt joyous and light for a long time afterwards. However, I don't know what actually happened. This was preceded by a strong impression that everything is connected and god exists and was followed by a period of strong spiritual connection and seeking.
Any feedback on these would be much appreciated.