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The Journey or the Destination?
Is it the journey or the destination that matters most in our quest of enlightenment?
Which one of these should be our aspiration? Is the pot of gold in the journey, or the destination? Is it a foolish man who revels in the journey, not paying attention to the all-important destination, thus losing his way, or is the illusion thinking that a destination even exists?
Every person mighty or feeble, at one point or another in their journey, will debate the implications of these two words.
And so I proceed...
In the beginning, God was.
God was All.
"It" existed in a state of Being. No destination existed because that is simply a man made reference point that implies that something exists "outside or away" from something else, which is not the state of God. There is nothing outside of God. Ịf there is no place to leave, then there is no place to go.
So God was All That Is. But It desired to know Itself. And to know Itself a reference point had to be created. There is only one way to do that in this situation. To create the illusion of what It was not. To do that, a ying and yang had to be established, which is both part of the whole, but seemingly different. So the illusion of separation was created. Light and dark; love and hate; and good and bad.
But then God created another even larger illusion of separation. That is us (mortal) from It (God). Because of this illusion of separation, we are always searching for God, but we are already a part of God. We think we have a huge journey before us that will bring us closer, but we are already there. This is why children, especially babies, are so in touch with this. Before they can learn the traits of their parent's ego (the illusion of separation), they think of one thing only and that is love. Love, which is what created and propels this whole process, is God. As we grow out of infancy, we steep ourselves into the grand illusion of separation, in every way. Our journey is gaining back the knowledge that we are not separate from anything, and especially, God. You might jump on this and say, "Ah! But the destination is then knowing that we are God!" But remember, that is where God started. It already knew It was God.
When soul fractions were created, it was infinite, for God is infinite. Each soul experiences the journey, in miniature, to what God is doing. Experiencing a manifestation of its own Godliness. We, as the ocean of God, started out as just that. But to create the experience of Itself, It formed the sky above with looming clouds. The water from the ocean evaporated into these clouds so that it could later be sprinkled, via raindrops, over the deserts, forests and prairies. Why? Because to exist solely in the infinite sea was not what It wanted. Although each drop seems unique, it still ascended from the same ocean. And as it falls, it experiences something totally unique in comparison to the other rain drop as its perspective is unique. And as it flows downward onto the land, it finds a creek or river and makes its way back to the ocean, to start the whole process again.
Ebb and flow. That is what we do. Even if we reach total enlightenment and awareness of our own Godliness, we will still yearn to forget it all and start over again in a million lifetimes, or through infinite planes of existence. The journey is what we are searching for. The illusion is thinking that there is a destination, for we are already there. We exist in a constant state of creation and experience.
The lesson is that we should cherish each moment, for these moments are the grand experience of who we are. Stop searching. Stop looking and just Be. You have the rest of eternity to be you and to experience God.

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