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Articles About Spirituality
The following are informative articles and editorials on spiritual matters written by Anne V.
Various Articles on Spirituality
The Journey or the Destination?
Is it the journey or the destination that matters most in our quest of enlightenment?
The concept of heaven and hell is probably as elusive as the idea of love.
Happiness is living our true self. Our true identity of love, a free spirit, and creating for joy!
What really is prayer and meditation?
Energy can chose to come here as a dog.
A Spiritual Paradox is where two seemingly contradictory truths can exist right next to each other and yet both be true.
There is no denying that negative entities exist.
Feeling Inner Peace in a Non-Peaceful World
How and why should we feel inner peace when the world around us is seemingly falling apart?
Ego is your sense of individuality. It is the powerful illusion that exists in us all and creates the appearance of separation from the whole.
Even the people claiming mental well-being are often only superficially so.
We all have this God within. As I have said before, every cell of who we are is a microcosm of God.
On the surface, truths are made self-evident. However, what is truth? And by whose standards?
Like many planes of existence, the emotional plane (the astral) is a part of every one of us here in the physical.
On the surface, we all appear separated. Just look at us, and you know we are not one.
We have learned conditional love from those that held fear, ego, and guilt in their hearts.
It is not our job to convert anyone to our beliefs or to judge another human for theirs.
It is theorized that all information, both past, present, and future, exists in what is referred to as the "Universal Mind".
Our Role in the Physical World
We all ask at some point during our physical existence, "Why are we here?".
What is a sub-self? We have many different levels because we exist on many different planes.
People confuse greed and abundance.
Desire, in its lower form, is a subtle form of greed, and constant yearning.
One can look at reincarnation in several ways.
The price we're paying for our "gotta have more gotta do more" mentality is earth itself.
In my early 20’s, I left this dimension, went through what felt like a door, and ended up in a healing place for souls.
Our Spiritual Journey Is All That Remains
Every day I read something further pointing us to the path of human extinction...
I sometimes think the Amish had it right in more ways than one.
Creating Your Reality
We can create what we want using energy, visualization and thought rather than physical effort.
The place we live and the place we work is a reflection of what we have chosen and are.
The Law of Attraction and Goals
We can't start the process of creation until we know specifically what we want.
Affirmations are positive thoughts that are repeated over and over.
There are many people who live with self-contempt and hatred for the things they've done, or events from their past.
Now that you're gotten rid of your bad habits and have your tools together, start a magnetizing session.
Visualization and affirmations are methods in which the mind communicates with the body.
Tools of Manifestation
Where fear is the number one killer of aspirations, will power is the number one creator of our dreams.
If a person cannot focus their mind, they cannot achieve their goals.
Think big! Go outside of your programmed beliefs and write down what you want.
You are not just material mass. Your "batteries" are your chakras.
Subtle Body Energies
Our energy centers consist of the seven subtle bodies (aura) surrounding the physical body.
A block is a place where energy is stuck and not flowing.
Chakras are energy centers, or vortexes through which energy flows in and out of the body.
There are seven subtle bodies, or layers, around the physical body, which create the auric body system.
Until we start to see that we are all interconnected, it is almost useless to proceed with healing.
Unblocking the chakras is much like a person who is fasting.
The natural flow of energy is upward, starting at the base chakra.
Hands can increase the flow of universal life energy into our bodies.
You cannot fully experience love in this life until you know what love is.
You are the foundation of love because you are love.
This very word is the great disturber of relationships.
Fear is the great disturber of life, and therefore permeates all things, including relationships.
The experience of love flows through us all.
I believe there are "soul favorites".
I write this because every day we are faced with situations that can change us or the decision to create change.
If you want to love mankind, give up thinking how to do it, and at what quantity.
Before one can ascend, they have to go through the cleansing process.
We can bring transformation into our lives by the use of light work.
Unbeknownst to most all of us, the earth (Gaia), in its own way, is a sentient being.
That what used to serve us, and be easy to live with, may now not be serving us in terms of personal growth and aspirations.
Anyone who spends time watching news of any kind, will be faced with a myriad of doomsday scenarios.
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