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Real Spiritual Experiences

Bright White Light


I am 21 years old and I would like to share with you what happen to me this morning on the 3rd of July 2014. In a past few years I had to face many difficulties, going throughout that dark phase of my life, I became a very sad person. I lost hope of finding happiness and harmony.

However 3 month ago I mat a great man, I fell in love with him, thought it was a great change that I waited for this years. Letter I discovered that a man is not willing to commit yet and he has lot of fears coming from his past. I felt lonely and miserable again. As if I thought he was a new wave of a good energy. Reviling his deep dark secrets brought me down again. I truly believe that I love that man even tho he is not ready yet to share his feeling with me, I decided to open up to him and and support with my love and kindness. I noticed already good changes in our relationship and his behaviour towards life and my self.

Suddenly Last week I woke up and realized that only my inner energy can change future events. There for I start praying for happiness, love and piece. Today when I left my house I stepped by a coffee shop on my way out I was blinded by extremely bright white light, I couldn't stand I just felt down on my knees!

Everyone who saw that thought that I fainted as it was no reason for me to fall down. I was in shock for a little while but later on I have realized that I was the only one who saw that light! I googled a meaning of that sight but failed to find an answer to that! I really hope that's a good sign of future transformation!

Thank you.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, JujuS, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

rosswilliams9 (1 posts)
2 years ago (2022-03-07)
Hi Juju,

Thanks for sharing your experience. I had a very similar experience co-incidentally also when I was 21! I'm thinking about doing a small research project on this specific type of light phenomena, like you said it was blinding and extremely bright and powerful, this is commonly reported. Please feel free to send an email at rosswilliams959 [at] if you would be willing to share more details concerning your experience.


Belle (guest)
5 years ago (2019-04-04)
It's so nice to find this site. I had something happens to me and I have felt alone because my husband acts uninterested when I tell him.
So, this was in 2015... We lived in a house in the country. It was dark but out at night. We had an outside light (one by the garage and one at the front door). One night after running errands I came home and hadn't realized that Ieft my purse in my car in the driveway in front of the garage. I had made dinner that night, swept, done laundry, and hours later when my husband and I were in bed I realized I'd left my purse in my car. I needed it (wanted it, I think my phone was in it) so I told him I'm going to go outside and get it. He was already drifting off to sleep so he said "ok".
Well once I got past the front door (imagine a letter J. That was the shape of our sidewalk from the front door to around the front of the garage. Once you get past the front door its still dark out front and the light outside of the garage happen to be burned out so it was pitch black. I remembered that I had left my purse in the trunk so I had taken my keys with me to open the trunk (my Lexus key fob trunk release hadn't been working) however it was pitch black so I was using my fingers to feel for the keyhole. It was always so scary out there because yes we had neighbors down the street but we never saw them and it was just always so quite and dark. Needless to say, as I'm feeling around for the keyhole seconds feel like hours. My heart was kind of racing because I was scared. Then all of a sudden, a bright light came from the sky and it pointed directly towards me and the trunk. I tried to see where it was coming from so I could have clarity but it was so bright I had to look away. I quickly opened my trunk, got out my purse and shut the trunk as fast as I could and ran inside. No, it wasn't a car. There was no car in the driveway behind mine and there was no sound of an engine and it came from the sky, this light. Not from ground level.
I ran inside and told my husband and he just seemed like he didn't believe me and quickly dismissed it with obvious reasons such as it may have been a light from the suburb not he other side of our street which is impossible because there were dense trees before the neighborhood started and they don't face our house. He can be very discouraging.
Anyhow, I was scared that night and I have never forgotten it. I have asked god to please tell me what it was. For awhile I thought it was aliens because when this happened, we had been watching Ancient Alines religiously. In fact, that's what was on the night this happened on our tv. I have been so worried about what it was. I'm so glad to have found this site. I feel as thought it was an angel. It's good to know that this has happened to others.
Emmanuel (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-28)
Hello It was Jesus in all his glory. I have seen his white light more then once and its who he said he was the light of the world and in him there is no darkness.
Barrisa (guest)
6 years ago (2018-07-03)
While I was driving, I saw a brightlight in front of me...
Maybe about 20 ft in front of me. It was so bright that I couldn't see the sidewalk to my left nor to my right. And it wasn't a mirror in back of a truck either. I immediately turn right into another street to avoid the light that was so bright.
Daysha raye (guest)
7 years ago (2017-10-15)
I have white lights in my son's bedroom where my nanna dies. I have caught this on video please look up daysha gullick on YouTube and watch my video of my camera ghost on video. Has anyone else seen something like this
sbmidzi (1 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-20)
I am researching on bright light. I had a very strange experience in 1999 at Victoria High School, Masvingo, Zimbabwe.

The experience has changed how I look at life. I am not a perfect man but I am in search of the truth and would like to serve the Living God honestly and wholeheartedly.

At the time of the light appearing, I was not alone but with another student as at that time I was doing Advanced Level. I spent days not able to see properly and has kept a lot of details about this incident private because its stranger than fiction though a reality.

Anyone with an idea what causes this? My hands were almost numb and something kind of left my tummy. The light appeared while we were in prayer after a brief discussion on Genesis 22
ISawtheLight (1 stories) (5 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-04)
I believe the light you saw was God's Light. I was an atheist until I had a very similar experience. My story hasn't been posted yet on here. Please, read it at God came to you to save you! Believe!

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